5- plane

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"And?" I ask the psychologist hopefully.

"You are indeed Eleanor Ricci. " Smiles the psychologist.


hapter 5 : plane

"A plane?" I ask in surprise

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"A plane?" I ask in surprise. The psychologist, whose name I discovered to be Kim, nods her head.

"Yes a plane, how else do you think you'll get from Italy to London?"

"With a boat?" It comes out more questioningly. Kim raises an eyebrow and then shakes her head.

"Uhm sorry we don't have any other clothes." She changes the subject. I look at the clothes I'm wearing, an overzised red shirt from some rock band that comes halfway down my thighs, and underneath that I'm wearing short black shorts that are also way too big. Luckily I was allowed to take Mark's clothes off, that would have made a bad impression on my brothers, according to Kim. Why should I impress my brothers?

"Mhm." I mumble, looking at my bare feet. They have clothes, but no shoes. I lost the heels I was supposed to wear with Mark's uniform. I realised that half an hour ago when I had to go out to the airport.

"Come, the plane is about to leave." Kim grabs my arm without asking and pulls me towards the plane. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from making any noise, she has just grabbed me where there is a big bruise and a deep cut.

We walk up the stairs and then into the plane. I look around me in amazement. I have never been in an airplane before, this looks so cool. There's a stewardess at the door and Kip lets go of my arm and walks up to the woman and they start talking. I look at my legs, luckily there are no bruises or cuts on them. My feet hurt from walking on the street without shoes. They also look very dirty.

"Come we are first class." Kim grabs me by my arm again and drags me through the plane. Kim lets go of my arm and points to two seats.

"These are our seats" she murmurs. I look at the seats and see that each one has a number on it. I take a seat on the window seat and Kim comes and sits next to me. Without saying another word to me, Kim fastens her seatbelt and takes a magazine out of her handbag. I follow her example and fasten my belt before looking out the window.

I am going to London. I am far away from Mark. Mark is in Italy. I am safe. I am going to see my family. To my brothers. How many brothers would I have? Two? Three? I have no idea. Everyone said I would meet my brothers and apart from that I don't know anything. Would they want me to do chores for them too? And if I do something wrong will they punish me? With the belt or to the room? I shake the thoughts away. No, they are my brothers, they wouldn't do such a thing... would they?

I turn my head away from the window and look at Kim. She has the magazine open on a page and I see a picture of a man. It is a man with broad and muscular shoulders. He is wearing a black suit and sunglasses. His brown hair has been neatly styled and his lips are set in a thin line. No smile. The man does not look happy. I lean a little closer to read what it says.

We spoke to Mr Ricci about halting the search, and he did not agree. 'She is my little sister, it is my duty to protect her, to search for her. And if we abandon the search, that means I give up. And I never give up. Even if we find her dead in a ditch, I must and will find her."

I can't read all of it. I only can read the words 'Mr Ricci' , 'sister', 'search' and 'never give up'. All kinds of thoughts go through me. Mr Ricci. I am a ricci. Is that a relative of mine? Was he talking about me? Were they really looking for me? Is he maybe my brother? Did they want to stop the search? Or maybe he is not a relative and they are looking for someone else. Without realising it, my eyes close and I fall into a dreamless sleep.

"Enzo!" I scream with joy. But the boy ignores me. He continues to chide me. His hands slide down my sides and his fingers start kittling. I laughingly try to keep his hands off me but suddenly my hands are held. I look wide-eyed at the boy whose face I cannot see clearly. He has hold of my hands and one hand and his other hand starts to tickle me under my arms.

"Enzo!" I scream laughing. He only starts to kittel me harder. My body makes all kinds of spastic movements. Tears start running down my cheeks from laughing and my stomach starts hurting.

"S-stop!" I scream pleadingly.

"Say I'm your favourite brother!" Says the boy. I shake my head laughing.

"You'll regret that." The boy's hand goes to my stomach, where he pulls my shirt up and starts attacking my stomach. I put my leg up and want to kick him, but the boy gently sits on my legs, his one hand still holding my arms and his other tickling my belly.

"O-okay you are m-my favourite brother." I scream laughing. The boys topt with kittling and let go of me.

"Good." He gets off my legs and quickly I jump off the seat.

"Just kidding Ric is my favorite!" With that I run away before I'm even attacked by the tickle monster.

"Eleanor!" I open my eyes and look around confused. I am still in the plane and Kim is looking at me.

"Finally you're awake!" Sighs Kim with relief. Confused, I frown and now notice that the plane is completely empty except for me and Kim. Kim stands up and puts her handbag around her shoulder.

"Come your brother is waiting outside." With that I undo my belt and stand up. My hands are shaking slightly. I am going to meet my brother.

A/N: tadaaa next chapter she is gonna meet her brother

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A/N: tadaaa next chapter she is gonna meet her brother. Who so you think it's gonna be?

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