36 - Emilio time

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"Are you watching Shrek? That's my favorite movie!"
Chapter 36 : Emilio time

"Are you watching Shrek? That's my favorite movie!"----------Chapter 36 : Emilio time

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"Eleanor," it sounds softly. I ignore it and push my face further into the pillow.

"Eleanor wakey wake," the voice whispers again. I try to push myself even further into the pillow. Whoever is trying to wake me up had better leave. I try to sleep.

"Eleanooorrr wake upppp," the voice whines. Now I recognize the voice as Emilio.

"Eleanor I know you hear me," Emilio says softly.

"Mhm," I mumble. Emilio sighs loudly.

"I want attention, sister give me attention," Emilio continues.

"No," I mumble with my face in the pillow making the word sound smothered.

"Pleassssee," Emilio whines on. With a sigh, I remove my face from the pillow and look at him. Emilio is crouched next to my bed with a playful grin on his face. As always, he is dressed in black. But there's something else... I squeeze my eyes to slits and look at him inquisitively.

"Do you have... eye shadow on?" I sit up and bring my face closer to his to get a better look at his face. Emilio has black eye shadow on, which gets lighter towards the outside. Also, his eyeliner looks different, it's more noticeable. Emilio's cheeks turn red and he rubs his neck with his hands.

"Yeah I wanted to try something different," he mumbles softly. I smile at him.

"It's beautiful," I say sincerely. Now Emilio gets a big smile on his face.

"Thank you Principessa," he looks at me with genuine gratitude. Then he stands up and claps his hands enthusiastically. "Come Get dressed we have a whole day Emilio time," He says enthusiastically. I frown my eyebrows.

"Emilio time?"

"Yeah... we need to come up with a better name, something with our names mixed in like a shipname in couples," Emilio says thoughtfully. He rubs his chin to make it clear he's thinking. I shake my head chuckling.

"Think about that while I get dressed,"


"Oh no way," I shake my head. Emilio looks at me pleadingly.

"Please El, this is fun," he tries to coax me. Again I shake my head.

"No way am I going to put my feet up on that,"

"Well technically you can put one foot on it too," Emilio says with a cocky grin. I look at him murderously.

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