27 - coke Girl

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My eyes begin to close, and the last thing I see is a black shadow running away.

Chapter 27| coke girl

I walk moping through the school hallways

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I walk moping through the school hallways. The blood won't come off my hands, I've been trying to get the blood off my hands with a cloth for several minutes, but the blood has already dried so it doesn't work. I'm also already late for my first class, which is already the third time this week so I'm going to have to stay after school. I sigh at those thoughts, I really don't feel like or have the time to stay after. I still have to finish my chore.

I stop walking when I see someone lying on the ground. I stare at the body, it's a girl. Is she dead? Did she faint? I stare at the girl for a while longer, and realize after a while that she is not faking it and that she is really knocked out on the ground. I sigh out loud, now I have to take that one to the school vet nurse too. But somewhere that's a good excuse for being late.

I walk up to the girl and bend down next to the body. Immediately I recognize the girl, isn't that the Coke girl? What was her name again? It was something with an E. I think it was Elise, no it was a longer name. I shake off the thoughts, that's not important right now.

I look back at the girl, on her cheeks is a trail of tears and then I notice the blood print on the locker. Owh shit. I slide my arm under the girl's neck and gently set her upright. With one hand I hold her upright and with my other hand I turn her so I can see the back of her head. As expected there is a dark spot of blood on her hair. Carefully I brush her hair aside to see how bad the injury is. I hold my breath when I see the wound, that's going to have to be stitched up. Carefully I push her head against my chest, one arm I wrap around her back and my other I slide under her legs. Carefully I stand up with her in my arms.

With the coke girl in my arms, I walk toward the school nurse. Meanwhile, I occasionally look at the girl in my arms. Several questions run through my head. What is her name again? What was she doing alone in the hallway? How long had she been lying there? What happened? What was she crying about?
How did she injured her head?

After walking for a while, I finally arrive at the familiar little room of the school nurse. This is where I often had to go after a fight with a sucker who thinks he is better than me, and nurse Sabrina had to tend to my 'wounds'. I can pretty much take care of my wounds myself, automatically my gaze goes to my bloodied hands. It's not my blood so I don't have to change my 'wounds'. I knock on the brown door and wait for the door to be opened.

"I'm coming," sounds the familiar voice of Nurse Sabrina. I hear some rumbling and then the door is opened, her gaze immediately falls on me, and she sighs. "Jaxon, have you been fighting again?" Disappointed, she shakes her head.

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