18 - he listens

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now the cake is burned and no one is going to eat it, I so wanted to see their faces when they tasted the salt cake.


hapter 18 : he listens

As soon as I step into the kitchen, the smell of fried bacon and eggs hits me. In my pajamas, my hair all messed up and a tired face I walk further into the kitchen. Yesterday Lorenzo let me stay up longer than I usually do and now I am exhausted. Matteo is standing by the fire, fully dressed in a blue suit. I take a seat at the kitchen table and lay my arms crossed on the table before laying my head on it with a loud sigh and closing my eyes.

"Ah there's someone awake," Matteo says, I can't see him because yeah my eyes are closed.

"Mhm," I hum.

"What would you like to drink El?" Matteo asks. Does he have a nickname for me already? El, i like it.

"Dunno," I mumble. Damn I'm really tired.

"Juice? I guess you're a juice person," I hear some noise, a door open, a cabinet close and then the sound of drinks being poured into a glass-or someone platting but I rather think it's the former-and then a loud thump sounds. I lift my head and Matteo has placed a large glass of fruit juice in front of me. I smile small at him before I take the glass and sip from it.

Do you like it?" Matteo asks just as I take another sip. I nod and give two thumbs up. Matteo chuckles and then turns his back to me again. I really like it, i think it's my favourite.

"I just made eggs and bacon," Matteo turns around and has a plate in his hands, a plate he hangs right in front of me. On the plate are two eggs and three pieces of bacon.

"Bon appetit," Matteo smiles before paling another plate-which has three eggs and a whole lot of bacon on it-and sitting over me before he begins to eat. I grab my fork and poke some of the egg on my plate before putting it in my mouth. As soon as I taste the flavor of the egg I pull up my right corner of my mouth. It's a habit I have when I disagree with something, see, hear, smell or taste something dirty. And the reason now is, because I taste something dirty. Egg is rancid. But still I swallow it because I don't want to hurt Matteo. I look at Matteo and see that he is studying my face before he smiles.

"You don't like it," confused, I frown. How does he know that and why is he smiling because of it?

"How-" I begin but I am interrupted.

"Ever since you were little you used to pull up your lip, it's a sort of tick of yours that you apparently haven't unlearned," Matteo smiles triumphantly and something flickers in his eyes. "You never liked egg,"

"Oh," I want to say something more but am interrupted by the kitchen door being flung open. Lorenzo walks into the kitchen with big steps, he is wearing a neat black suit as always and has no emotion on his face, I do notice the purple line under his eyes. Did he sleep at all? Lorenzo nods to Matteo and then his gaze lands on me.

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