7- rich rich

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"Go to sleep little one, you've had a long day." I do as he says and lay my head against the window before closing my eyes.


hapter 7 : rich rich

"Eleanor." I wake up to a voice saying my name. I open my eyes and look around in surprise. I am still in the car. Valentino is no longer on my right side, no he is on my left side outside next to the door he opened.

"We're home." He smiles. I nod at him and quickly unfasten my seatbelt, only now I notice that his blazer is still on my legs. I grab the blazer and look at Valentino, before holding my arm out to it, not knowing what to do with it. Valentino picks up his blazer and puts it over his arm. Carefully I get out of the car and look around me. As soon as I see my surroundings, my eyes get big. In front of me is a villa, a mega big giant villa. Even bigger than Mark's! The house doesn't have as many windows as most modern houses, but there are windows. I also see men in black suits with sunglasses standing all around the house. Just like Mark's....

"Wow." I whisper softly. I had heard that my brothers were rich, but not rich rich. Next to me, Valentino laughs. I look at him with eyes still wide open.

"I had heard that you were rich but not rich rich." I mutter. Valentino laughs softly and shakes his head.

"Oh dear, we are not rich rich, we are rich rich rich rich rich rich." Winks Valentino. My mouth falls open a little, how many times has he said rich? Suddenly I feel something on my shoulders, I look at them and see that it's Valentino's blazer. He has wrapped his blazer around my shoulders.

"Come then we go inside." Valentino holds out his hand to me and looks at me expectantly. Doubly I look at his hand, earlier I already held his hand and it gave me a familiar feeling. I think I do trust Valentino, for now. I put my hand in his and his hand encloses mine, he has really big hands. Or I have small hands. We walk towards the house and as soon as we walk past the men they nod their heads at Valentino before they all look at me curiously. I feel uncomfortable with their stares and lower my eyes. Rule two, never look them straight in the eye. We arrive at the door, where two black-clad men are standing.

"Mr Ricci." The men nod to Valentino, then their gaze falls on me and for a moment their eyes grow large, their hard and cold gaze softening for a moment. "Miss Eleanor." They nod. Not knowing what to do, I move a little closer to Valentino. Valentino looks at me inquiringly before giving my hand a squeeze.

The men open the door and Valentino walks in. Inside is an empty hall, with bare brown walls. There is one iron door with a glass screen next to it, in the wall. Valentino walks towards it and bends down at eye level of the glass. Suddenly, a red glow emerges from the glass and scans his eyes. A green light lights up and then a grey handprint appears on the screen. Valentino holds his hand against it and his handprint is scanned. Again a green light goes on and then a part of the wall moves aside and a new screen appears with all those numbers. Valentino starts to type all kinds of numbers and then a green light comes on again. A ping sounds and then the iron doors open automatically. I look at it with big eyes.

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