34 - o?

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"Let's get this party started"

Chapter 34 : o?

The party was really a lot of fun

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The party was really a lot of fun. I talked with Francisco and Josh the whole time, and it clicked right away between the three of us. Francisco told a lot of funny stories that made Josh and me laugh. I also got presents! Yes, presents! I cried a little bit, because, well... I have never received presents before! I got a phone, my own phone. In the phone were the contacts of all my brothers and cousins and even josh. They did explain to me that you can only call Lorenzo in case of emergencies. But the question is. what kind of emergency? If there is a spider? If I fall down the stairs? If I find a cat on the street that's hurt? No idea. But it really was a great day. Well except that Leonardo and Valentino didn't apologize to me so I'm still mad at them. They just acted like nothing happened and everything is normal, but nothing is normal until they apologize. So I ignored them all evening. I was also told that I have to stay home for a few more days and then I have to go back to school. Yay.

Now it's a few days after the party and I'm sitting all alone in the living room playing a useless game on my phone grabbing pizza. At first I didn't know what pizza was, but then I figured out so it's something to eat. Maybe I should ask Matteo if pizza is good. I don't know where everyone is. I haven't seen Lorenzo and Alessandro since I was in the hospital. Emilio went to college, which I didn't know he did. Leonardo and Valentino have gone, Matteo is away for work again and Riccardo is here somewhere. No idea where he is tho.

I'm just putting the pizza in the oven when my stomach starts to hurt. It's not much pain, it's a nagging pain. I ignore it and continue to play the game. Emilio had explained to me everything about how a phone works. He also explained the rules to me.

1. No social madia, if you want it so badly you have to discuss it with Lorenzo

2. No recording for anonymous numbers or unknown numbers.

3. No clicking on links.

4. By four, I was no longer listening because I had found a funny cat video.

After playing the pizza game for a while, I have to go to the bathroom. I put down my phone and start walking towards the bathroom, halfway there I suddenly feel something strange. As if I have peed in my pants. My eyes get big and I start walking faster to the bathroom. What if I really have peed my pants? As soon as I reach the bathroom, I lock the door and I quickly run to the toilet. I take off my pants and look at my underpants to see if I have peed in them and.... My underpants are red.


I'm wearing green underpants but there's a red spot.

A red blood spot.


It begins to quietly dawn on me and I begin to stress. I am bleeding. I'm bleeding! How is it that I am bleeding? Omg, is this normal? Am I going to die? Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh my... i'm going to die. I grab toilet paper and wipe myself, and more blood. The whole paper is full of blood. Omg I'm really going to die. Oh no. What am I going to do? I look around the bathroom in a panic, looking for an idea of what I should do. But I don't have a clue.

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