26 - hello?

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Dont think I'm going to stop here, I'm going to find out the truth


I get out of the car, the rest of the car ride was silent

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I get out of the car, the rest of the car ride was silent. An uncomfortable silence. I walk into the school, ignoring all the looks I get and all the whispers. Someone sticks their foot out and of course I trip over it. Laughter echoes everywhere.

"Oink oink, the piggy has to watch where she walks," someone chuckles. I feel tears prick in my eyes. Someone extends their hand to me and I look up, in front of me is Josh with an angry expression on his face. I take his hand and Josh pulls me up. Josh holds my hand and pulls me down the hallway, where everyone is still laughing. We come to a quiet hallway and Josh turns to me.

"You okay?" He asks softly. I shrug my shoulders. Josh sighs.

"You just have to ignore them Eleanor, I understand that is hard but if you just ignore them and don't give them any attention they are going to get bored and eventually leave you alone," Josh explained. I nod my head, tears still in my eyes.

"But it's hard to ignore them, it's hard to pretend that the things they say don't hurt me," I mumble softly, my lip starting to tremble.

"Have you mentioned at home what's happening at school?" Josh asks softly. Quickly I shake my head wildly. No and I'm not going to, this is going to go away weekly like Josh just said, if i ignore them it will go away. They aren't really bullying me they are just trying to provoke a reaction. If I say this to my brothers - if they would listen to me at all - they would think I'm acting up and this will prove again that I'm a nothing. A loser that nobody cares about. Nobody cares about me, they wouldn't care what happens at school.

"If this is still going on next week I think you should say it at home, this is only the second day so I understand not saying it but if you really don't say it and everyone keeps on doing it, then this really becomes bullying, then you should tell someone," Josh looks at me inquiringly. I sigh.

"This is just because I'm new next week it will be over and they will all have forgotten about me," I hope.

"And if it doesn't stop next week will you promise me you'll tell me at home?" Asks Josh.

"Okay, " josh smiles. At that moment the bell rings. My eyes get big.

"Oh no I still have to go to my locker," I mumble.

"I'll go with you," Josh suggests. Quickly I shake my head.

"No just go to class I'll be right there," I walk away before Josh can answer. Quickly I walk to my locker and open it. As soon as I open it something falls out of my locker, onto the floor. I frown my eyebrows and grab the piece of paper off the floor. There's nothing on it, frowning I turn the piece of paper over so I can see the back and my breath falters in my throat. I look down the hallway looking for someone, but the hallway is deserted. No one can be seen, no one can be heard. I look back at the piece of paper in my trembling hand.

In my hand is a photograph, not an ordinary photograph. No it is a picture of me, in my walk-in closet. It was taken at the moment I found that bill among my new clothes. You can see me sitting between all the bags, tears rolling down my cheeks and the bill is between my hands. I had already forgotten all about that bill. And fear overwhelms me when I realize that someone has secretly taken a picture of me, in my walk-in closet, without me realizing it. And I know exactly who that someone is.

And then I hear it. The clicking of a camera. With a jolt, I lift my head and look around the hallway again. But there is no one to be seen, and yet my gut tells me that someone is watching me.

"Hello?" I ask softly. As expected, there is no answer. Cautiously I take a step forward and then there is another click. Someone has taken another picture of me. I turn around again.

"Hello?" I ask again, this time a little louder. Click. I turn my head to the other side. "Who's there?"




Fear engulfs me. Click. A white light comes into my face and blinds me. I slap my hands in front of my eyes, stumble backwards, crash into the lockers and hit my head. Groaning in pain, I remove a hand from my eyes, startled. In front of me, literaly in front of my face is a face. It is a person dressed all in black and wearing a balaclava, all that can be seen of him are his blue eyes, nostrils and lips. The lips curl up into a lopsided grin and the person raises his or her arms, a camera comes out and the person places it in front of his or her face. A finger goes to a button from above and then, click. A flash of light comes right into my eyes and blinds me, I dive backwards causing my head to hit the lockers hard, pain engulfs me and I begin to see black spots. My eyes begin to close but I fight it, my head tilts to the side and I fall to the ground, my head landing with a loud thud. My eyes begin to close, and the last thing I see is a black shadow running away.

 My eyes begin to close, and the last thing I see is a black shadow running away

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short chapter, wanted to make it longer but i kinda liked this ending.

I really was stuck for this chapter and i wrote this chaper 4 times and then BAM this idea hit me.

Oh and i realized i forhet i tiny thing, i will change it later, Eleanor could read Salt and like other tiny kitchen words cause she needef to cook at Marks so she knew how the word looked like but like did not know what letters it are, and in the roomtour Valentino explained Who's room it is she like did not read the names on the door.

Reminder: i see all your comments and find some of them quite funny, cause i am the only one who knows what is gonna happen and you guys don't WHAHAHHA

Okay no here is a real reminder;

If you want to fly, give up everything that weights you down <3

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