6- brother

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I am going to meet my brother.


hapter 6 : brother

I get up from my seat and follow Kim through the plane to the door. At the door, there is a stewardess who nods at us with a smile.

"Hope you had a nice trip, have a nice day." She smiles kindly. I smile small back at her and follow Kim down the stairs, out of the plane. The first thing I notice is the temperature, it's a bit cooler here than in Italy. I look around me and see that it is almost deserted outside. Just when I think that, I hear a humming engine and a car drives up. I look at the staring black car with tinted windows with big eyes. The car stops five metres from us. A man in a black suit with sunglasses and a black hat gets out of the car via the driver's side. He walks around the car and opens the door next to the driver's side. I watch as, very slowly, a black shoe comes out of the opening, then a leg in brown trousers. A large hand grasps the door and the person pulls himself out of the car. A large man gets out of the car. He is wearing neat brown trousers with a white shirt and a matching brown tie And a brown blazer over the blouse. His brown hair is tangled, but still neat in one strange way. He has unshaven stubble and brown eyes. The man looks around until his eyes find mine. His brown eyes are exactly the same colour as mine. As soon as he sees me, his eyes get big and he comes running towards me with big steps.

Next to me, Kim nervously starts fiddling with her blouse. She runs her hand through her hair and looks at the man with big eyes. I frown confusedly. Why is Kim so nervous? And why does that man... Before I can finish my thoughts, the man comes and stands in front of me. I look down at my feet, which are quite sore. Now I understand why we wear shoes. Walking in the street barefoot is painful and it doesn't make your feet look very nice. The man clears his throat and I look up carefully from my feet. With his brown eyes he looks at me from head to toe, his gaze lingers for a moment on the end of the big shirt, on my legs and then on my feet.

"Eleanor?" Asks the man softly. His voice sounds very friendly and trusting. I nod my head slightly and look at the man expectantly. The corners of his mouth go up a little.

"I am Valentino, your second oldest brother." Introduces himself. Owh so he is my brother. I nod my head as a sign that I have understood him. Rule one, you only talk when they say you can talk. Valentino frowns and then looks at Kim. His jaw clenches as he looks at Kim. He has a cold, empty look in his eyes.

"How nice that you took such good care of my sister." My lips curl up when he says 'my sister'. Kim quickly nods her head.

"Y-yes, Mr. Ricci, i- I have-" but Valentino interrupts her stutter with a glare. He snaps his fingers and the man with the hat approaches and stops next to Valentino.

"Everything all right Mr. Ricci?" Asks the man matter-of-factly. Valentino looks back at me, his gaze lingering on the large shirt I have on which comes to mid-thigh and on my bare feet.

"Are you taking care of this Roger? Madam thinks she has taken good care of Miss Eleanor, but look for yourself, she looks so well groomed don't you think?" The sarcasm is clearly heard in his voice. The man, who I assume is called Roger now looks at me, he quickly examines me from head to toe and just like Valentino his gaze lingers on my bare feet. Roger nods his head.

"I'll take care of it Mr Ricci." Roger reassures Valentino. Valentino nods his head and then looks at me. His cold gaze gives way to a softer one. He extends his hand to me and looks at me expectantly. I frown at his hand and then look at Valentino questioningly. He nods his head slightly and carefully I put my hand in his. Valentino closes his big soft hand around my small one and gives it a squeeze. He turns to Roger and nods his head before he turns towards the car and steps towards it with big steps. Because he is holding my hand, I have to follow him, stumbling. Curse my short legs. We arrive at the car and Velentono lets go of my hand.

"Get in." Recommends Valentino in a soft voice. I nod my head and Valentino lets go of my hand. I get into the car and slide all the way to the back seat. Valentino also gets into the car and sits down on the seat on the side of the door where we entered. He closes the door with a soft bang. I look around me, I haven't been in a car very often. Usually when we went somewhere, we all had to go in the back of a van, never in seats. I think the first real time I was in a car was with Luke. Without saying anything, Valentino bends towards me. His arm stretches out and I look at him with big frightened eyes, frozen. Is he going to hit me? Valentino sees my frightened look and frowns, confused, shaking his head gently before grabbing something next to me. He pulls the belt towards him and fastens it with a click. A relieved sigh rolls over my lips. He's not going to hit you Eleanor, he's your brother. I reassure myself. Valentino leans back and takes off his brown blazer. He looks from his blazer to me and then to my bare legs. Carefully he leans forward again and spreads the blazer over my legs. I look at it, confused.

"Otherwise you'll get cold." Mutters Valentino softly. I nod my head slightly.

"Thank you." I whisper. Valentino nods his head and then grabs his phone and starts typing on it busily. A silence hangs around us, but it's not an uncomfortable silence. I yawn softly and quickly slap a hand against my mouth. How tired I am. Valentino looks up from his mobile phone and smiles slightly

"Go to sleep little one, you've had a long day." I do as he says and lay my head against the window before closing my eyes.

A/N: I know , i know this chapter is probably different than you thought it would be

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A/N: I know , i know this chapter is probably different than you thought it would be. But I thought after everything Eleanor has been through today she could use some rest and not meet the annoying brothers yet, haha. Ugh i love Valentino sksksk. Well I hope you liked this (boring) chapter anyway!

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