22 - im like a magnet

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I have made my first friend.

hapter 22 : i'm like a magnet

I walk into the canteen with Josh

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I walk into the canteen with Josh. The last four hours of class have been hell. Everyone in the class was whispering and giggling and they were throwing wads of paper at my head. But luckily for me, Josh was there to look on the bright side and tell me that I am the most popular person in the class that way. That I am getting more attention than he has ever gotten in all these years at school and that right on my first day of school. Josh is very sweet and I think we have really become friends over the past few classes.

The cafeteria is big, there are all kinds of round tables with blue chairs. Almost all the tables are occupied by people eating. Then I spot the middle table. At that table is the girl I ran into, and she is now wearing a cheerleader uniform. Oh so she's a popular cheerleader. She is sitting on the lap of a muscular boy, he is handsome and I can see that even from far away. As if the boy can sense my stare he turns his head in my direction. His eyes meet mine, I can't tell what color they are because I'm too far away. My cheeks heat up when I realize he caught me staring, quickly I look away.

"Who is that?" I ask Josh softly. I subtly nod my head toward the middle table. Josh follows my gaze and his eyes widen slightly.

"That's Jaxon Miller, and you better stay away from him," Josh whispers. He walks over to an empty table and takes a seat, quickly I walk over to the table as well and sit over Josh.

"Why?" I ask through, for some reason I'm quite interested in this, especially since that girl from earlier is sitting on his lap. I don't really like that girl at all, she seems like the typical mean girl I had seen in a movie.

"We'll keep it that he's being gossiped about, and not just because he's super handsome and a big player," Josh rolls his eyes. Of course he's a player.

"What do you mean gossip?" Josh takes out a packet of silver paper and opens it , revealing his bread without crusts.

"Well it is said that he...," josh lets out a dramatic pause, well not really he just calmly takes a bite of his bread and starts chewing quietly.

"That he what?" I ask impatiently as Josh takes another bite of his bread. He frowns his eyebrows confused.

"That who what?" Asks he confused.

"Jaxon," I whisper softly. Josh grabs his botherham.

"Oh, word is that he's in the Mafia," Josh shrugs nonchalantly. My eyes grow big. Mafia? Josh sees my gaze and he quickly shakes his head. "Nothing to be afraid of Eleanor, it's just gossip 80 percent of gossip is always a lie," he reassures me. I calm down again, Josh is right gossip is just gossip, they are not facts. Josh looks from his food, and then at my empty spot at the table.

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