9- angry man

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"You don't know how happy we are that you are back Eleanor. Some of your brothers may not show it, but we are all so happy that you are here. We missed you very much." With that, Valentino turns around again and starts putting everything in the dishwasher.


Chapter 9 : angry man

The words Valentino said earlier haunt my mind. Happy my ass. Right now I am sitting on the sofa holding an ice pack against my head and a angry look on my face.

I was quietly exploring the house just now, I didn't do anything wrong. I was just walking around the house aimlessly because I was bored to death and had forgotten the way to my room. But then my attention was drawn by this iron door. The iron door that Valentino didn't tell me about when he showed me around. I walked towards it, thinking what would be behind it. And just at that moment the door opened. The door slammed painfully against my face and a big angry man stood before me.

The man is very tall, one metre 90. He is also very muscular, but by very muscular I mean overly muscular. He had brown hair that was tousled and slightly darker eyes than Valentino and Leonardo. And when I said he looked angry, I didn't mean just angry, it was furious. He looked at me like I was a shit fly. Well I understand that I was lying on the ground, holding my forehead while saying a few ugly words.

Without a word, he grabbed me by the arm, pulled me into the living room, called his brothers and then went to the kitchen. I was very surprised when he came back with an ice pack and threw it right in my face. And now here I am, with an ice pack on my head, surrounded by five brothers. Yes, five! Valentino is sitting next to me and has wrapped a blanket around me, Leonardo is sitting on the floor with a can of beer, the angry man is pacing around the room, another man who looks very much like the angry man but wears a leather jacket is sitting on the other side of me and on another seat there is a boy - he doesn't really look like a man, more like a boy - with black hair who is typing on his mobile phone as if his life depended on it. I love my life.

"What was she doing at that door Valentino?" Asks the angry man, he pulls a hand through his hair in frustration and happily stops pacing.

"How should I know!" Defends Valentino himself.

"You should have told her not to come near that door!" Continues the angry man. The man sitting next to me with the leather jacket chuckles briefly.

"She's a teenager if you tell her not to do something , she's just going to do it." Says the leather jacket. I call him the leather jacket from now on, and I have to agree.

"He has a point there." Mutters Leonardo softly. The angry man sends Leonardo an angry look that sends shivers down my spine even though the look is not meant for me. But Leonardo ignores his look and takes a sip of his beer.

"Riccardo I think you are exaggerating-"

"I'm not exaggerating! What if she went inside?" Hisses the angry man whose name I discover is Riccardo.

"-Let's hear what Eleanor has to say first." Continues Valentino undisturbed. Five heads turn in my direction. Even the boy with black hair has put his mobile away and is now looking at me. I feel uncomfortable under their gazes. Riccardo looks at me angrily, Leonardo looks at me inquiringly, Valentino looks at me expectantly, leather jacket looks at me emotionlessly as does the black haired one.

"Eleanor what were you doing at that door?" Valentino asks softly when I don't answer after a while.

"I went ... see if santa was there?" Eleanor seriously? What does Santa Claus have to do with this? Leather jacket chuckles again next to me causing him to get an angry look from Riccardo.

"What were you doing at the door?" Hisses Riccardo at me. You know I think I prefer to call him angry man. I shrug my shoulders. Frustrated, ric- the angry man sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"This is pointless." Mutters he, more to himself. Yep, I'm afraid I have to agree.

"May I have a look?" Valentino asks me softly. Even before I can answer he carefully removes the ice from my head. I look into his eyes and see concern, but also a little annoyance. Carefully Valentino brings his hand to my head and touches the bump on my head. I wince painfully and pull my head away. Valentino smiles apologetically at me and carefully presses the ice pack against my head again.

"How did this happen?" Asks Valentino, he looks at Riccardo sternly. Riccardo shrugs his shoulders.

"She was lying on the floor when I opened the door." Mutters he nonchalantly.

"You slammed the door against my head you must mean." I correct him. Riccardo sends me an angry look that sends shivers down my spine again.

"Nice going riccardo, our sister just got back and you already slam a door against her head." Mutters leather jacket from next to me. I really have to ask what everyone's name is I only know Valentino, Leonardo and Riccardo. How am I ever going to tell them all apart? Riccardo throws his hands in the air in frustration.

"I didn't do anything!" He defends himself. But he gets an angry look from Leonardo.

"Say sorry." Orders Leonardo, his voice sounding stricter than at breakfast. Unbelievingly, Riccardo looks at him.

"I didn't do anything!" He defends himself again. The boy with black hair sighs loudly.

"Well done riccardo." He mutters. Riccardo looks at his brothers in disbelief before looking at me angrily.

"You believe her?! You don't even know her! I swear I didn't do anything! She has you all wrapped around her finger!

"You believe her?! You don't even know her! I swear I didn't do anything! She has you all wrapped around her finger!

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A/N: good job Riccardo! Wow proud of you. And does Eleanor already has them wrapped around her pretty fingers? Mhhm we'll see about that...

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