Even The Camera Couldn't Show Her Beauty Enough

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  Plot- Reader and Jesse have been together for a while now and they're really in love with each other that you can see them smiling to each other every single time. Jesse is really appreciated to be with Reader. Some cute stuff happening in this one.

  A/N- The reason why I wrote this was because I was in the mood for Jesse x reader I don't know why but this goes for those who have a crush on our sweet boy Jesse from The Last Of Us part 2!!



You and Jesse have been together almost since you came to Jackson. Ever since you came to Jackson, yes, because when he saw you, he was stuck for a moment and was forcibly moved by Tommy. He couldn't take his eyes off you. Was it love at first sight? How true it was to live together in Apocalypse. Everywhere you stepped, in every corner you turned, there was a disease, and wherever you bent, a gun was to your head. Every month there was an invasion to Jackson, but you somehow got through it because you had such a high trust in each other. No one was scolding anyone for anything, on the contrary, they were showing the truth to correct each other's mistakes. A few days after arriving in Jackson, Maria came to the house they had reserved for you and said you and Jesse were patrol partner, but the woman was grinning. While you didn't quite understand why she was grinning at the time, you did when you paired up with Jesse during one of the patrol's all-out training sessions. His hands touched yours as he was showing you how to hold the gun, and suddenly you both had an electric shock. You knew that when you looked right into his eyes. After the training, he kind of asked you out and kissed your cheek and walked away, but you gave the same reaction as he did when he saw you for the first time, you stared after him as you crashed, and there was no one to take you away from that moment. When you met the other day, first kisses were shared and you told each other about your past and what you liked. From that beautiful moment you were with this perfect man. Jesse was perhaps not exactly a love man. Yes, maybe if it wasn't for the apocalypse, your chances of meeting him were zero, but you were happy to know him as he is.

Jesse was always able to make you happy and whenever you were sad he could instantly turn that sad face into a broken smile. It is not known whether it was love, but you were sure that you loved each other.

Despite being depressed that day, he managed to make you happy as usual. You and Ellie were close and you were so glad she was dating Dina. But when you think of what happened last night, it made you uneasy. Joel considered you as his other daughter, and when Jesse was on patrol, he would invite you to have coffee and talk. You didn't tell him all your troubles because you didn't want to bother him. Because you already knew he had a fight with Ellie for some reason you didn't know why, and that was embarrassing enough for him and you. And just last night, you said to Ellie that she should go to Joel and apologize because you thought it was ridiculous of Ellie, but it wasn't at the right moment. She yelled at you and took Dina and left. You too, although you were right, were bored, but you didn't want to go out and went into your house and see anyone until the next day. Because Joel was your father figure and it hurt to see him so sad. While walking with Jesse at that moment, your mind was still on Joel. Suddenly Jesse stepped in front of you, grabbed you by both sides of your arms, and smiled into your eyes. The man's smile was different and how could you find someone as understanding as him. Your thoughts were eating away at you, but at that moment you looked up and gave him a smile so as not to miss the moment. He took your face in his hands and kissed both cheeks. It wasn't enough. He kept kissing her up to her neck and yet you were tickled and couldn't stop smiling. He stopped for a moment, looked right into your eyes, and bent down. He put his lips between yours, helping you to live in the moment. He took your thoughts to distant lands. You wrapped your arms around his neck to get closer to him. While you were both laughing between your kisses, you suddenly heard something click. You couldn't see anything when you looked around as you left Jesse in surprise, but when you looked at Jesse you saw that he had a big smile on his face.

''What? What happened? What was that?" Jesse continued to laugh as you continued to give him meaningless looks. He was still on the ground, however, and seemed to have no intention of getting up. He suddenly stopped laughing and grabbed you by the arms and pulled you to his side and you started laughing with him. You could hardly contain yourself as the few minutes passed in silly laughter. When your laughter stopped you were both gasping for each other. He lifted his hand and slowly removed the hair from your face, and a grin appeared on his face.

'' You never know something as camera, babe? Like seriosuly.''

''How I suppossed to tell it's a camera? I mean we're in the middle of the apocalypse, you know. "He nodded yes and took a photograph from his jacket pocket. You were kissing each other. Your cheeks were red and you were smiling. You were smiling to each other. You turned your head towards him and in one motion you reached for his chest. You saw him smile at you as you lifted your head, and again you took his lips between hers. Even when you broke up, you looked into his eyes. After those few minutes of silence, it was you who broke it.

''You know I love you ,right? Like I love you more than anything.''
"Even more than that old man?"
''He's my father figure and you know that. '''
''I know. I just wanted to say I'm glad to see you have someone like a dad.''
''I don't know him well but his eyes tell more about him.''
'' He's a closed man that's for sure but he'll get used to it. '''
 You said "Yeah I guess" and looked up to watch the clouds dance. And at that moment, a cloud stopped right above both of you and took a shape of a heart. Maybe Jesse was your soul mate and the universe was trying to prove it to you.

''You know, even the camera couldn't show your beauty enough.''
His arms were peaceful. It was peace. And you wished to never break away from that moment. Never to leave him. And you asked him to promise you, but anything could happen at any moment. Every day, even if it was outside of Jackson, people hiding somewhere were dying one by one. But how absurd it was to think about the other day or the past while living in the moment. So you closed your eyes and snuggled closer to him and inhaled his scent. Again and again you wished that this moment would never end and that you would wake up next to him every day.

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