Chp 3: Run

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"Cmon, Georgie!" Yui yelled as she caught up to me.

"You're...really sure... we can... get out...?" I panted a bit as my breathing matched my pace.

I followed Yui down twisty turney hallways before we came across a table with an old fashioned phone resting on it.

We stopped and I inspected the phone. "Wow, I haven't seen one of these in years!"

Yui picked up the phone, but the cord was disconnected.

"Aw, that's too bad. Y'know, Yui, I have a phone if you wanna-"

I heard Fedora perverts giggle interrupt me. Yui backed up and bumped into him. He put his hand on her shoulder and whispered "Guess who it is?" in her ear. She gasped and started running.

My phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and checked the screen. It was my best friend Marina.

"Hi, welcome to chili's." I said into the mic.

I could practically hear her roll her eyes from a couple hundred thousand miles away. "You do know vine is dead, right?"

"Yeah. It's sad but I don't care." I answered nonchalantly. Fedora pervert reached for me but I ducked under his arm and jogged after Yui. "Is this really the best time for you to call me?"

"I dunno. You tell me. I was gonna ask how the new place is."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot I told you about that." I looked down a hallway and saw Yui turn down another. I chased after her.

"It's okay, we're just getting chased right now, so can you call me later?" I asked.

"Sure." She paused. "Wait, why are you getting chased?"

"Can't talk right now gotta go bye!"

I hung up and tucked my phone in my pocket as I sprinted up a spiral staircase. The room Yui had just entered had broken chains on the floor, which made me think we were not allowed in there. I went in anyways.

Whoever used to live in that room had a shit-ton of jewelry. I'm talking barrets decorated with real pearls, diamond bracelet, emerald rings, ruby necklaces, and a lot of expensive perfume, too.

Yui was staring out the window. "Georgie, do you see her?"

I looked. "See who? All I see a lot-lot of jewelry. Why? Who are you seeing?"

She frowned, still staring at the window, and then she gasped and her eyes widened. She stumbled backwards, grasping her chest, and slammed into the bookshelf before sliding to the floor.

"Woah, dude." I crouched beside her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "You okay?"

She gasped and panted, clawing at her neck and her chest. "N-no, i-it bad." She looked back at the window before something on the floor caught her eye.

Yui picked up a small brown leather notebook. She flipped through the pages and a small photograph slipped out. I picked it up as she read the entry on that page.

The photo showed a man holding a small baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket. The girl had blonde hair and a tourmaline decorated rosary.

"Wow." I said. "Yui, is that you?"

She gasped. "What is Fathers diary doing here? What does he mean? I'm not fathers daughter?"

"Of course you had to choose this room to enter. Now I will have to fit a new lock on the door." Reiji scoffed.

I looked up to see all the brothers standing in the room. "Ahahaha...oh, hi, guys. Long time no see." I said awkwardly.

They glared at me and the smile dropped off my face as I cleared my throat and twisted to face Yui again.

The brothers were still glaring.

'Shit. What should we do, what should we do?'

Hi. I'm very tired and not much has happened except I went to the beach with my sisters and my mom. It was pretty. Well, have a night night or day!

BYE 🅱️ye 👋🏻

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