Chp 21: Back Home

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The next day, the First Blood brothers were true to their word.

They, well one of their butlers, drove me in a limo (which was somehow even fancier than the Sakamaki's and Mukami's and HOW I WONDER CAN THESE FUCKING LIMOS GET ANY FANCIER) to the Sakamaki's mansion. The brothers sat across from me in silence.

As we pulled into the gravel driveway in front of the house, I felt so happy and excited. I didn't even realize I was feeling homesick until I was back home.

I hated to admit it, but the brothers had grown on me. They were somehow better to me than my actual family, which was bad, but I was happy to have a real family for once.

As soon as the limo had stopped, I hopped out of the car and rushed to the front door.

As I went to knock on the door, I heard some crashing on the other side.

I paused for a second, and the door swung wide open.

Low and behold, there stood Laito, eyes wide and chest heaving.

"GEORGIE-CHAN" He pulled me into his arms and into the strongest hug I'd ever felt.

"What- ACK" I heard my back crack as he squeezed me. "Laito, you're suFfOcAtInG mEeEE..."

He let go and held me at arms length and stared deep into my soul. "Sorry, Georgie-chan. I'm just so glad you're back."

I noticed he had deep circles under his eyes and his eyes looked sunken and tired.

'Jeez, what happened to him?'

"GUYS GEORGIE'S HOME!!!" Laito yelled over his shoulder.

As soon as the words left his mouth, 9 vampires popped into the room and 5 of them began to overwhelm me.

Kanato hugged me around my waist with Teddy in his arms.

Subaru inspected me from a couple feet away with his usual scowl, although there was some concern in his eyes.


Ayato shook my shoulders a little and began yelling at me somewhat frantically.

Reiji pushed Ayato aside and grabbed my chin, looking over me, for injuries, I assumed.

Shuu stared at me with his icy blue eyes, and when my eyes met his, he blinked, and a look crossed his face for a second, although I couldn't figure out what it was.

His eyes slid over to the First Bloods, who stood in the foyer, watching the interaction with little interest. 

The other Sakamaki's noticed his gazed and looked over as well.

Their eyes all narrowed and the energy in the room changed.

"Were these the assholes that took you, Georgie?" Shuu asked, his eyes narrowing further.

"Yes." I said calmly. "But-"

"Did they hurt you at all?" Laito growled.

Yes, growled.

"Not really, I guess they just turned me into a-"

"Georgie!" I heard a familiar voice shout from the stairs.

Yui rushed down the stairs and sprinted into my arms. I held her tight, so relieved she was okay.

I noticed she didn't have any fresh bites on her neck, which meant the brothers hadn't been drinking her blood at all.

"Georgie, I'm so glad you're back!" Yui exclaimed happily. "It's been so long! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, Yui. I'm glad you're okay too. It looks like it's been a while since you've been bitten?" I responded, smiling down at her as she backed out of my hug.

"Yeah, it's been a while. They've all been living off of their animal blood reserves so they wouldn't kill me." She said, smiling cheerily.

"Wow... that's really dark." I looked at Reiji. "But really? You guys were, like, all over her before."

Reiji pursed his lips. "Yes, well, our father was very clear to not kill her. Our blood reserves aren't very satisfying, but they keep us alive."

"Huh. Okay, well as long as y'all aren't attacking Yui all the time." I shrugged.

"Georgie." Shin said from the doorway.

I turned to them.

"We'll be leaving now. Just remember what we told you, you have to take care of yourself now." Shin nodded, and he and Carla turned to walk out.

"Wait," Reiji said suddenly. "Why don't you stay for a few days? As a thank you for returning Georgie."

I paused. "Um... Is that really a good idea? I feel like you guys are going to fight or something."

"Of course not." Reiji turned to his brothers. "Right?"

They all nodded hurriedly.


"Oh... well thank you." Shin said eventually, after sharing a look with Carla.

"Georgie-chan," Laito tapped my shoulder. "What did he mean by having to take care of yourself?"

"Oh. Well, I'm a First Blood now, apparently." I responded.

"...WHAT??!" The Sakamaki's and Mukami's all yelled.

"What?" I said. "Is that crazy? Isn't that just a type of demon or something?"

"First Bloods were the beginning of demons." Reiji said, dumbfounded. "They possess the powers of all 4 of the sub-types of demons."

"Oh... I don't understand." I said slowly.

"It means you can shape-shift, must consume blood to live, are immortal, can teleport, and have supernatural senses." Shuu informed me.

"Oh. Cool." I thought those would be cool powers. "Guess I'm magic now."

Yui giggled. I smiled at her.

"Alright, I'm tired. I need to sleep." I yawned.

"Sure, let me take you to your room Georgie-chan." Laito offered.

He grabbed my hand and he teleported us to my room. It looked the same as when I had left.

"Thank, Laito." I patted his hand and sprinted to my bed, kicking off my shoes before I snuggled into the blankets.

"Sleep well, Georgie-chan."

As I drifted into sleep, I relaxed into quiet happiness.

'I'm so glad to be back home.'

(im writing most of this without my glasses plz love me 🥹)

this only took me like 45 minutes to write, but IM GETTING MY WRITING JAM BACK YALL

i met a kid who also writes but he's actually fucking amazing at it so im trying to live up to his skills lmao

anyways, 2 chapters down, 7 left to write >:3

see yall soon !!


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