SEASON 3; Chp 20: Awake

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I groaned as I opened my eyes.

'Aw, great, I'm still tied to a fucking board.'

I lifted my head to look at the board I was laid against again.

Quick recap: Some random ass wolves attacked the Sakamaki household and kidnapped me.

As it turns out, the 'wolves' were actually 2 brothers, named Shin and Carla, and they were First Bloods.

... Whatever that is.

To be honest, I don't know all that much about them. That might be due to the fact I've been tied to a board and locked in a room for who knows how long.

During my time in this room, they've been doing experiments or something on me.


I... don't even know what's going on anymore.

Anyways, just as soon as I woke up, Carla and Shin walked in.

"We're here to check on you." Shin said, striking a sassy pose with his hand on his hip.

"Oh, how kind of you guys." I replied sarcastically, watching Carla inspect the monitor next to me.

He hummed in satisfaction before turning to me and beginning to untie me from the board. I tensed, not sure what I was supposed to expect after I was untied. Carla (in a surprisingly quick manner) untied me, and the next thing I knew, I was standing, free as a metaphorical bird, right in front of the brothers.

"What." My only thought slipped out of my mouth.

Carla backed up and stood next to Shin. They both stood, staring at me, silently.

"What, did you think we would keep you tied up forever?" Shin asked.

"I mean, no? But why would you untie me now?" I replied suspiciously.

"We're taking you back." Carla said.

'What is going on?' I thought with utmost confusion.

"Back?" I asked.

"To the Sakamaki's." Shin answered. "We're done with you."

"For real?" I said.

"For real." Shin and Carla responded in unison.

"Well... ok." I narrowed my eyes at them, a little suspicious but willing to believe them.

"We'll take you back tomorrow morning." Shin said as he turned around. "Oh and by the way, it's 2019 now."

"Wait what?" I asked, a little startled.

'It's been 2 years?!'

"And," Shin continued, "You're a First Blood now."


hey yall 😭 i finally finished this chapter (i say before i actually finish it) but im watching someone on youtube read fanfics so maybe thats gonna motivate me. im entertained.

(i switched to all of us are dead and then i realized i dont understand korean but thats ok)

SO i know i said "oh dw guys im gonna finish this whole thang this year 🥰" buuuuut thats probably not going to happen, considering im only starting season 3 in june. haha.

also, this cute little plot twist will be further explained in later chapters, so dont worry.

thank you all for the support on this story, and im glad yall are loving it :)

(sorry for the long outro paragraph)


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