Chapter 16

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January 2020

"Kaia, you know this means you're stuck with us. No way you're driving home in this mess," Henry says. A major snowstorm hit last night, almost twenty-two inches of snow. Luckily the four of us were at Sebastian's apartment last night when the storm hit. Because of the weather we decided to stay the night, and from the looks of outside, most likely tonight and even tomorrow night too.

We spent the entire day in warm, soft sweats. Sebastian's living room was just barely big enough for all of us. As the winter night darkens outside sooner, we make dinner and then got comfortable in the living room for a scary movie. We reluctantly chose the movie Annabelle, dolls absolutely fucking terrify me but I'm never one to turn down a scary movie. Kaia, Delia, and I all sprawled out on the sofa, legs draped over one another, while Henry and Sebastian curled up in the two oversized lounge chairs that sat on either side of the sofa. Halfway through the movie, I notice neither of the boys seems too enthralled by the movie, Henry looks like if you say one word he'll jump right out of his chair.

As soon as the movie ends, Henry sits up and turns to us sitting on the sofa, and says, "Remind me why we chose a movie about a possessed doll that gives me the creeps just by looking at it." Sebastian looks at Henry like he was just about to say the thing.

Delia smiles and says, "Don't worry boys, I'll protect you from the creepy doll if it comes down to it."

"I'm definitely holding you to that D," Sebastian says. "Alright alright, something funny for the next movie. The last one gave me the heebie-jeebies. I feel like if I go to the bathroom I'll see that creepy doll staring at me from around the shower curtain."

Henry's body shivered as he said, "Thanks man, I really needed that in my head for the next time I go to the bathroom. Which unfortunately I actually have to pee now." He stands up, stretching his long arms, and heads towards the bathroom in the hallway.

"Do you need me to go with you, Henry?" Kaia says, in a taunting yet playful voice.

Without turning around, Henry raises one arm up and gives all of us, although probably aimed more towards Kaia, the middle finger as all of us laugh our asses off.

Throughout the night, laughs are exchanged frequently, along with sleepy yawns as each hour passes. Around two in the morning, Sebastian makes his way to his room to turn in for the night. Henry is already knocked out on one of the air mattresses, with Kaia and Delia on the other one and I've taken over the sofa. Soon, my tiredness takes over to the sound of Henry's deep snoring.

I'm woken up to the sound of something falling and hitting the floor. I stumble up to see what is it, as I walk around I hear noises coming from Sebastian's room. I quietly lean my ear against his door, hearing what sounds like someone who's frantically panicking. My eyes widen as I hear him yell "No!" and I start to panic myself.

Opening the door I see Sebastian restless in bed, looking like he's about to scream. His eyes are still closed, I rush to him and try to wake him.

"Sebastian! It's me! It's Luna," opening his eyes he quickly sits up and jumps back a little, "Sebastian it's okay, you're okay. I think you were having a nightmare."

His breathing slows, "I'm sorry." he says softly.

"Sebastian, don't apologize." I say gently, "Do you want to talk about it?"

He huffs, lying back down, and rolls over so he isn't facing me anymore. Standing up on the bed, I step over his body and sit back down on the bed. He can't keep pushing me away.

"You can let someone in," I say, resting my hand on his, "You can let me in. Don't push me away."

Sebastian sits back up, his eyes wandering anywhere but on me. I take his hand in both of mine, warm and soft. Those sweet brown eyes are full of pain and sorrow, searching every inch of this room for a sense of comfort. Every inch of this room but me.

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