Chapter 30

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Graduation, May 2021

"Luna!" Delia shouts from my doorway, forcing me up and out of bed.

"What?" I moan, rolling over and rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Wake up. Today we become hot bitches with college degrees." That pulls a laugh out of me.

We eat breakfast and fix coffee, and then Kaia arrives and we started getting ready for the big day. Kaia helps me curl my hair, sitting just above my shoulders from the fresh cut I got earlier this week. Looking in the mirror as she curls the last piece, my mind goes back to the last time my hair was this short. The woman in the mirror looks the same, but also looks entirely different. It's the same me, but happy. That's the difference.

I slip into my dark green dress that fits my curves down to my lower thighs and then strap on my black heels and head out into the living room.

"Ah! You both look so beautiful." Kaia squeals as the three of us intertwine together. "I am so proud of the both of you."

"Couldn't of done it with out you," Delia says as she kisses Kaia softly. "What time are we supposed to meet the boys?"

I check my phone for the time and say, "Ten minutes ago."

Stepping outside, I peer over the railing from our steps and see Sebastian and Henry standing in the parking lot, Sebastian in his black gown with a gold and blue stoles. He catches me looking at him, and smiles up at me. The three of us make our way out to the parking lot, quickly walking up to Sebastian, our lips meet long over due. Even though I just saw him yesterday.

"Alright alright, enough of the lip smacking. I have something important to say," Henry says. He pulls out a small silver flask, takes a sip and then passes it around.

"Henry, if I trip up the stage because I'm tipsy, I blame you," I snickered towards him.

"It's not my fault your are a light weight." It's true, does not take much to get me drunk.

"Henry, no emotional speech. I cannot ruin this makeup that took forever to do," Delia says.

"Oh for fucks sake let me speak. Anyways, the last four years has been undoubtedly the best time of my life thanks to you four. Delia, my favorite fiery redhead, you light up anyones life you walk into. Kaia, I don't know what I would have done without your beautiful soul in my life, and especially your dancing." Kaia smiles and laughs gently as a tear slips down her face. "Sebastian, the brother that I never knew that I wanted, but will forever will be grateful for. And Luna, the girl who never fails to put a smile on my face, and my forever dance partner. I am so proud of you all. Now let's go get your damn diplomas." Everyone let out a gleeful shout at that last part.

"You forgot one person. Henry, I am so incredibly glad that you came back into my life freshman year. I would not have survived without you," I say, tears start to swell in my eyes as I look around at everyone. "You all have been such a light in my life, after loosing Grams, I didn't know if I could make it. But you were all there, keeping me from falling. And I wish she was here more than anything. "

Kaia's soft voice speaks up, "I know this is the end of the line for our college years, even though I never even went to school, you have all made me feel like I was just as much a part of it as you. But I know that there will never be an end of the line for us. Because this, what we have, this is it."

"Well you all said all of the sappy shit. All I can say is that I never thought I would have a family again. But I was wrong, because you four have become my family." Sebastian pulls a slight laugh out of everyone, including a couple tears.

"I love you all so much," Delia says as she wipes a tear from her face.

"I thought you weren't going to ruin your makeup, Delia." Sebastian playfully mocking her.

"Oh shut up," she replies as she elbows Sebastian in his side. He clutches his side, acting as if she severely hurt him. Dramatic. We all laugh and tangle together, arms draped over one another like we would never let go.

God I hate wearing heels. I can feel my feet already blistering as we all walk back home from the graduation ceremony. Fuck it. These are coming off. Just as I unclasp my heels, Sebastian takes them from my hands to carry them.

All of a sudden cool rain starts hitting my skin. Harder and harder. Rain, the worlds natural music.

"Shit. Come on hurry up and get to the steps," Henry shouts over the rain hitting the pavement. I think back to that moment on halloween, when it started to rain on our walk back.

"Wait!" I call back and everyone pauses, looking at me. "One more dance."

Sebastian smiles and runs up to me, wrapping his arms around my upper thighs, picking me up off the ground. My hands rest on his face, leaning my forehead down onto his as his spins around and around. Water sprays off of our bodies with each spin.

He puts me down and I run up behind Delia and Kaia, wrapping my arms around their shoulders as we laugh and the rain soaks mine and Delia's gowns. The three of us twirl outwards, pausing with one extended arm towards each other. Henry comes out of no where and grabs my hand and suddenly pulls me in as we waltz through the rain. He spins me over and over with one hand above me, and then releases me, sending me right into Sebastian's chest. I hesitate, and then give him a wicked smile as I push off of him and spin out with my arms stretched out. Free as ever.

I stop to catch my breathe. My gown is soaked, and my hair is plastered down from the rain as it chills my skin. Looking around at everyone, complete bliss takes over me, my beautiful friends. Utterly free.

My family.

Soulmates are not always a romance. They are an unbound oasis of unconditional love, the ones who will always choose you and you will always choose them.

That is the family that will be tied to your heart no matter where you go.

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