Chapter 27

18 1 0

March 2021

"This smells heavenly," Henry says. Aromas of sweet and spicy chicken with garlic and herb veggies fill the kitchen of the apartment.

"The chicken was a recipe of Grams, you'll love it." I respond.

Kaia and I are finishing up cooking dinner while Delia and Henry set the table. The sound of pattering rain beats outside the window we have cracked open, letting the chilly air seep through. Sitting down at the table and looking at the three people around me, it hits me how different things would be in my life if I hadn't of met any of them. Maybe I wouldn't be where I am right now, maybe I wouldn't be here at all. Maybe I would still be in misery in silence.

Thinking of Grams, something full of courage and gratitude washes over me, and I decide to share somethings with the people I love that know everything about me, except for one important part of my life.

"Sometimes at dinner time, if Grams had something important she either wanted to talk about or something she wanted me to know, she would start it off before we ate. She always said that the dinner table was not only a place to eat, but it was a place to come together for sharing, especially sharing with the people you love. So I have a few things I want to share before we eat." I speak up, I want them to all know how much they've meant to me and always will.

"Is this the type of sharing where you're about to share that you're pregnant?" Henry asks.

Smiling, I respond, "Over the last four years, I've been in a really dark place. I struggled a lot with my mental health but was too afraid to tell any of you or to ask for help. But the whole time you all were right there through everything. Even if you and I didn't realize it. I don't know if I would have made it out of that dark place after Grams died if it wasn't for you all. I just want each of you to know how special you are to me."

A tear slips down my cheek, as one does on everyone else's.

"We love you, and I could not imagine a life with you, Luna. Nor a life without any of you. Thank you for telling us, I know it was hard, but we will always have your back no matter what," Kaia says, reaching a hand over to grab my hand.

"Each of you have become my person, and Luna, we want you know how special you are to us too." Delia says.

"Well shit. You could have warned me ahead of time that tissues would be needed," Henry says as we all laugh and he reaches a hand out to grab my other hand. "Your Grams was so proud of you. And she still would be with how far you've come."

Giving him a warm smile, a weight lifted off my chest. We all dig into the food, Grams chicken recipe was indeed a hit.

After dinner everyone pitches in with the dishes. Delia washing, Henry and Kaia drying, while I clean up the table and kitchen counter.

"I'm going to change into some sweats and then we can find a movie," I say.

"My heart. That movie was adorable, although now I'm all in my feelings so I vote for a scary movie next," Delia says. Henry gets up to take a quick shower while we prep snacks for the next movie. I typically am all for the heartfelt, tearful movie that tugs a little too much on your heart, but I agree with Delia. This happy-ever-after heartthrob makes me notice a part of my life that I'm missing.

"Yeah me too," Kaia says, "It's funny, Luna that couple reminds me of you and Sebastian."

Wait, hold on. Me and Sebastian?

Throwing me a little off track, I give her a look that clearly says I have no clue what the fuck she's talking about, I say "What do you mean me and Sebastian? It's not like we're a couple."

"Well, yeah. But it's obvious there's something there. Don't tell me you don't know."

I look around, still puzzled and it's clear to them that this is new to me. Delia sits forward, one eyebrow raised in suspicion and says "Luna. You actually don't know, do you?"

"Can someone please explain what is going on? What don't I know?"

Kaia opens her mouth to say something but hesitates, then turns her body on the sofa to face me, resting a hand on my wrist and says, "Luna, I think with everything you've been through, that your mind has been somewhere else for a long time, which is completely understandable. But what I'm saying is that we all see the way Sebastian looks at you, and that look says only one thing. That boy's heart belongs to you."

Something's hit me and completely knocked every breath out of me. A tidal wave that's built up of all of these emotions and finally reaching the shore, crashing and spilling everywhere, not knowing what to do with them. Standing up, I pace around the kitchen, my confused hands running over my face and through my hair.

"Wait, so you all know? Everyone knows this but I never knew?"

"Everyone knows what?" Henry asks, his fresh, clean scent of pine sneaks up my nose as he walks into the living room.

"Okay, not everyone. Henry is oblivious to anything even if you dangled it right in front of his eyes," Delia said playfully, but she was right. "We're talking about Sebastian having feelings for our girl."

Henry's eyes widen as he responds, "Holy shit," he pauses. "You know, I'm surprised but not surprised at the same time. I was completely blind to any hints he's given but I always thought you two would end up together at some point if I'm being honest."

Everything snapping back to life, I stumble to find the right words, my fingers lingering on my car keys with wonder, and I mumble, "I, uh... I—."

Kaia finishes my sentence with a smile, "Go."

"Are you sure I should? I mean what if you're wrong and—."

"Go. Trust me, that boy loves you. So go get him."

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