Chapter 22

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For once, I wake up eager to get out of bed. Sliding out of bed, my baggy t-shirt falls to the middle of my thighs, just showing a sliver of my long spandex sleep shorts. I throw on an old sweatshirt and head downstairs.

With half of the steps to spare, I stop as I hear voices coming from the kitchen. Someone else is up early too. Definitely Grams, and the other voice sounds like Sebastian's. Definitely Sebastian. To let them finish talking, I quietly sit down on the step I was standing on.

"I've noticed quite the difference in my Luna since she started college. Since her friends in there came into her life," suggesting towards my sleeping friends in the living room Grams says, "A difference since you've come into her life. I see how she's struggled, while I don't know the details, I could see it in her eyes. A few times I tried to talk to her but she always insisted she was fine, to not worry about her. And while I did worry, I also knew in my heart that she is a strong woman, and that she could get through her struggles."

Tears pierce my eyes. She's always known me the best, my Grams. She goes on to say, "My Luna deserves so much good in this world, even if she doesn't see it. And don't think I don't see the looks between the two of you. While I just met you, Sebastian, I believe you're a good man. A good friend to her, I can see it in your eyes. If you want to see the truth in someone, their eyes are always the one telling. I hope you two, along with the others as well, remain in each other's lives for a long, long time. I only want what's best for her, and that is the family you all have made for each other. That girl is incredibly special to me."

"Luna came into my life at a time when I needed someone, I could never thank her enough. I don't know if she knows it, but she's quite special to me, too. " Sebastian says.

"Trust me, she knows." Grams replies.

Henry, Kaia, and Delia all lay next to each other on the floor on top of blankets on the floor. Even though they all look like a hot mess from all the wine last night, somehow they look peaceful. Time to change that. Quietly stepping over to them, I lay across the three of them all at once. Delia is the first to wake up.

"Okay okay I'm up," She groans out.

Kaia starts to wiggle around underneath me as she says, "Luna, you sure have a lovely way of waking people up you know."

Laughing, I say, "It's my specialty,"turning towards Henry I gently pat his face, "Henry, wake up." He groans slightly in annoyance. Pushing myself off of everyone and stand up I say, "Come on, Grams is making breakfast. There's some really cheesy eggs and tater tots involved."

"Say no more," he replies as he sits up slowly but eager to wake up now.

After eating breakfast, Kaia and I clean up the dishes and eventually make our way to the front porch. Everyone says goodbye to Grams before she walks back inside the house.

"Drive safe, someone let me know when you've gotten back to campus," I say as I hug Delia.

Sebastian's last to walk off the porch, as he does he turns his head over his shoulder and says with one corner of his mouth curled upwards, "See you later, Loo."

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