Chapter 2: She's close

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Martin Kain is the  richest man in United States.

"Pfft, there is so much more to that. A rich man who can't find his wife."
"Sir, we have tabs on a woman with brown hair and brown doe eyes walking on the streets of Italy."
"Is it her, Herald?" I asked. My hope flared a little.
"It should be. They say it looks like her. She's alone and lives in some apartment building."
"I'll find her."

I got onto my private jet. Last time she saw me I was only a mere millionaire. Now that I have money, I want her back. I am in love with her, I loved her. But I didn't know how to feel. My father did not such thing as as nice to a woman. He was a cheap man who didn't care about woman. But after he died six months after she left. After my Emily Rue Kain left. I started feeling. As if my father dying opened a breach in my cold and lonely heart.

I love Emily so much now. As if my love only started and her endedby her leaving me. I want her back, I want to fix what was broken. I want to have kids and live a old life beside Emily.

Alone means she's still poor and alone. I will help her. I just want a look, to see if she's okay. That's all.

The plane lands a few hours later and I come out in a hurry. I can't wait any longer.
"Where is she?" I ask. The first sentence I've said in hours, my voice is hoarse.

They take me through cheap buildings.

Yuck! I can't believe my wife lives here. Eww!

I'll make her money, I'm a billionaire now, she won't reject me. After all this cheap and poor stuff around, I doubt she will.

The car stops and I get out really fast.

"Is it here?" I ask the driver.
The dude nods.

I go in to the cheap and broken building. Gross! I go in and I knock on the door my PA told me about. I knock.
"Emily, I'm here, baby."

The door opens and a guy shows up. Who is he?!
"Who are chew?" The ugly and poor and cheap man said.
"I'm here for Emily."
"Emichy whoch?" He asks. He's missing a few teeth. Emily wanted to stay with this cheap idiot? I know she'll come with me.
"Daddy! Dad! Where are you?" Some girl asks.
Emily calls him daddy?!
"Coming!" The old cheap man says.

I push the man away and he falls. I move in and see a girl with brown hair and d emerald green eyes. She's not Emily. She's a young lady with poor conditions. That idiot out there is her father. She's probably twelve. But very tall.
I moved out. How could my PA think this stupid girl is Emily. Emily is so much better than her.

I'm going to find you Emily Rue Kain. And soon!



This is in Emily's husband's POV!

No they haven't gotten a divorce.

He's been looking for her for 4 1/2 years.

If any questions at all, let me know.

I don't do R rated stuff. If you wanna read, please read. If not, it's okay. But do vote if you do want to read.

Please no rude comment. If there are mistakes, please just comment and tell me. It will not be rude for me.

Read my other four books.

World of Doom and Glory
Her smile
Are open and not on hold. You can read others and I can write more chapters on those as well.

Thank you

Peace ✌️

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