Chapter 5: I hate him

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Peace till the end✌️

I see her little feet walk up to me, I keep my eyes closed till her small hands reach my eyes and opens them.
"Mama, I wanna go to park." She says sweetly.
I giggled.
"Of course, honey. Get ready." I yawn. She jumps up and down and goes to change. I stand up and wear Carl's shirt from the floor.
"Where you off to, Babe?" Carl asked.
"Macy wants to go out to the park. I'll be taking Mason as well." I kiss him. He smile and nods.
"I'm gonna get ready for work. If you need anything let me know."
"But it's Saturday, babe." I said.
"John is talking about a emergency."
"Okay." I whisper. I kiss him once more and I leave to get Mason and Macy to take them to the park.

Macy and Mason argued a little than settled on playing tag. I laughed at their small itty bitty arguments. Cute, I might say. Their hazelnut eyes reminded me a lot of a monster. A monster with a cold heart. Yes, we would act, we would follow all the 'rules' of marriage. But that didn't mean I liked any of it. I didn't. But then I reminded myself that these are my kids. Even if they have most of his features, they will always be mine. He's not the same man I fell for 12 years ago. Even if I was forced, he was a kind man at the beginning. After his rich head got to the point of Fame, he became the dark Knight I wish I never had met.
I keep thinking of life without him, what it would have been like. When a strange looking man in Black clothes walks over to me. Sit on the bench and I freeze.
He hands me a letter and I take it.

My beautiful Emily

I've found you my sweet. Now its time to come back home. Come back please! I am different now. I can be happy with you and my children. Don't think I didn't notice.
I knew you wouldn't listen, so you know who I am now, now read this carefully. You are to call that man you live with and tell him you can't be with him. You are going to walk with the man beside you to the car and with my children. 
You will come back to America.
I am waiting my sweet love.

Love ~ MK

I froze. No! I can't go back. Please Lord no!!!!!!
"Call him, Mrs. Kain. NOW!" I jumped at the loud sound of the man. I dialed Carl and my hands shook.
"Hey, babe. What's up?" He asked. I whimpered.
"Hun?" He asked.
"I can't do this. I can't be with you." I cleared my throat. Tear after tear falling. As I stared at Martin as he came near me. Lord NO! He came near the kids and I gasped.
"Baby, please, listen! Ba-" the man beside me cut the phone.
"Walk with me, Mrs. Kain." And so, I walked to my death bed before I even got the chance to live.

Here's how they look like. Not exactly. But gives you a hint.
This is Martin Kain😉

 This is Martin Kain😉

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Carl Adams

Carl Adams

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Our only: Madeline/Emily Rue Kain

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Our only: Madeline/Emily Rue Kain.



I know they are mostly what authors don't choose, but hey!!!!! They look awesome.

Just have fun looking. 👀

I know I babbling about doing blah blah blah. But I couldn't wait for u guys to get a load of that. And I really needed more drama.

So who d'you want together.

Carl and Madeline


Martin and Emily.

U know🤣

Peace ✌️

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