Chapter 15: kidnapped

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Emily's POV:

I wake up to a blind fold over my eyes. I feel ropes around my ankles and wrists.
"Hello?" I ask. "Is someone there?"

I was definitely tied up. It smelled of dead rats and dried up blood. I yelled for help but no matter how loud I did so, no one came.

Flashes of my babies alone with that monster scared me even more. I know he was good with them, but that doesn't mean I trust him with them.

I heard footsteps to my right and moved my head towards the steps.
"Let me go! Who are you?!" I demanded.
"Nothing. I am Nothing. Now...who are you?" He touched my face and moved away.
"You kidnapped me, you should know!"
"Oh, I do." He chuckled.
"Let me go." I whispered.
"Sweetheart, I can't let you go. Try harder." He kissed my forehead and I growled in protest.

I sit there. There isn't anything to do. But this also makes me think of all my life choices. Honestly speaking, I'll go back in time and I'll o everything the same for my babies. Not for Martin. Not for Mark. Not for Carl.

I'd do it for my babies. Everything for them.

I'm not strong physically. But I know I'm strong. For what has happened in the past with me and Martin, even Mark. I've survived that. I'll survive this.

I didn't know if this idiot wanted to kill me. Hopefully not. I only needed him to open my bonds. But what did he want? Was the question.

I solemly swear I'll get back to my babies. No matter what.

I sighed. The ropes were now burning my skin. I had stopped moving and listening the bonds when my skin started burning. And I could feel drops of blood trickling down my feet and hands.

I didn't know what else to do.

It must've been hours before the man came back and removed my blindfold.

I looked around the room and puked on the side. The walls and the floor and the curling of this room was covered in red stinky blood.

Dried up more like.

He came in front of me and I gasped. I regonize him from somewhere.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"My name is Drew. Remember. Highschool seemed so boring after you left, Emily." He said.
"Drew Gomez?" I asked.

He was a kid who kept asking me out whenever I was near Martin. Honestly back then I only cared for Martin. Right now I only care for my babies.
"Correct! She remembers." He winked.
I stared at him. His blue sunken eyes and his blond straight hair. His features looked thinner than in high school.
"Please let me go." I begged.
"I told him not to take you. Then what did he do? He put me in that horrible place. Trying to take myself away from me." He whispered.
"I'm sorry." I said, in understanding.
"No, you're not supposed to say that. He is. I'll make him. He still cares for his Emily. But now, now you're mine and he'll pay!" Drew said.
"Please! Macy and Mason are young and I need to be with them-"
"They are five. They can handle without their mother for a few years." He said. I whimpered at years.
"You can't be serious!" I glared at him.
"Oh, I am." He winked.
"Please!" I begged As he got up to leave. "PLEASEE!" I screamed.

Tears ran down my cheeks as my confidence shattered and fear took over.

I can't stay here for years. I need to see my babies!



Morning/afternoon/evening/night to y'all.

Do you think Drew Gomez will let her go?

He talked about years?!

Do you think anyone is looking for her?

How many minutes, days, weeks or months has it been since she got kidnapped?

Let me know!

Let me know how I did!!

Peace out✌️

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