Chapter 17: Life

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Warning!!! Pls beware!




I feel death looming over my head. But I need to stay alive for my babies. Macy and Mason.

My life has been beautiful with them in it. Peaceful, even.

It's weird saying peaceful, when I'm being kidnapped and tortured. But I love them with every Viber.

I'd do anything for them.

Now that goes many ways, I'll stick with them through thick and thin. I'd protect them like I have.

I'll do anything. But to do so, I need to get out of here.

How? Is the questions now, isn't it? I am furious! I know this doesn't have Martin written all over it. I've got my suspicions.

Mostly Markus Kain. He's a devil is disguise. I learned that when I was sneaking around with him. I wasn't child and naive back then. I still am not. Maybe when I met Martin I was naive. But I lost that at the age of twenty. When my mother Madeline Heather Rue died.

I'm glad I kept her name. It actually means something to me instead of my own name. That, my parents kept it together. But my other has always meant more to me.

I have this strong feeling that my life has just turned. It's now going to take a u-turn soon. And I won't like it.

I've been awake for a few minutes now. He hasn't come in. And I'm glad. Now that I look at my body. I've got two to three cuts on my arms and legs. Two on my shoulders. I feel disgusted by what he did.

I want out. I want out of this life. Sometimes...sometimes I wish I never fell in love with Martin James Kain.

He's a monster. He's a devil. But he's also my savior. He has saved me from myself.

I became sucidal while we were going through my mother's funeral. He wasn't there for me, but he hugged me whenever I cried. Whenever I held a knife the wrong way, thinking thoughts I wish I had never. It embarrassing to think I thought I could take my life away.

But at the same time I wished I had.

It's a two way debate over should I have died. My life is sh*ty. We all have discovered at least that. I just wish I had a long time before I had to go through all that.

I wish I had went through a better life. But my life isn't coming to an end. Not today!

I'll fight back.

And fighting back is all I have now...




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