Chapter 19: Amnesia

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Yeah, you got where I'm going with this. So let's begin.




We found in a abandoned cabin house basement. She was bleeding from places I never imagined. She's pale and her head is bruised with a whip mark. My anger grew.

But I whispered to her sweetly while I brought her to the car and took her to the hospital as quickly as possible.

When I reached they took her away from me and all I could do was wish, hope and pray. But those are only fake. If Emily isn't with me in under a day, I'm going rip someone's tongue out! And I'm NOT JOKING!

Waiting is what kills. Watching people cry and cry of joy is nice. Until I remember my EMILY IS IN THE OPERATION THEATER!

I can't control my anger. The only thing I can do is wait.

So, that's what I do.

Men come and go. But Emily is the only one I can't lose. I don't even know how she got kidnapped.

I don't know who kidnapped her at all!

I don't know anything.

Herald comes running and sits besides me.
"What?" I roared.
"Drew Gomez, mental patient and you put him in a mental institute. He's angry and this...this was his revenge."
"He did this to Emipy because of me?" I asked.

And that shattered my cold heart.

It broke me. I was to protect her when I had gotten her back. But now? Now I've done worse.

I put my head between my hands and cry.

Tears blur my eyesight and ringing deafens me from hearing the doctor walking towards me.

After a few shakes I look up to find a worried doctor.
"What?" I growled.
"Emily is fine. She's alive." He says.
I sigh in relief.
"What now?" I asked, after seeing he had a hard time making our words.
"She's in a coma. We don't know for how long. But we're guessing for a few weeks." He says.
He looked at me. Then he nodded and rushed back to the operation theater.

They started hurrying and running.

I waited until the doctor let me see her for real. I rushed to the room and saw her bruised and broken body.

Wires were going out and in from her body.

What have I done?!

Why? Why did I have to fall in love with her? WHY?!

I hold her fragile hand in mine. I can see the bones in her hands. It had been two weeks. Two weeks she was in that damned cabin basement. Two weeks she was tortured.

And all because of me. If she would just wake up and tell me what happened and who did this to her.

Drew, I knew was t the Mastermind. He was a total maniac and crazy. He needed a Mastermind to Mastermind him.

Someone really smart, but not smart enough.

That person tortured the wrong person.

That person tortured Emily Rue Kain!!

Three weeks later...

Its been three weeks, no change. I've lost it all. Mark comes by and my kids come by with Herald.

But Emily is still in the same damn situation. And I don't know what to do?!

The only thing I can do is fight back. But, how? And who?

I sleep on her hand as I hold it close to my heart.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I mumble as I go to sleep, nightmares at the edge of the cliff. Showing me all my nightmares in one go.

Five days later...

Macy and Mason have visited and they are talking to the sleeping form of Emily right now. I watch as their faces grow wife as they show her their new paintings.

These five little year olds are adorable. Macy is tall and Mason is a chubby boy. They both are different.

But they both love their mother so much.

I did as well. But now? Now it feels more of a obsession.

I'm obsessed.

I have to let her go when she wakes up.

It's the only thing I can do.

The only thing I have any control over.

I have to let go of Emily.

Two days later...

Her eyes flutter and I yell for the doctors, my voice hoarse as I haven't used it for a month.

Her beautiful brown doe eyes look at me and she smiles.
"Martin." She whispers. I'm surprised she says my name. I go close to her as I hold her right hand in mine.
"Are you feeling okay?" I ask.
"Of course. Just my head hurts...why are we in the hospital?" She asks.
She's acting weird.
"Umm, you don't remember?" I ask.
"I remember, you telling me about my mother." She says.
"About...what?" I asked.
"You told me she's found..." She starts crying.

I shake my head.
"What?" I asked.
"She's dead...oh please let it be a nightmare!" She cries.
"Your mother?" I ask.
"Yes, it's a nightmare...right?" She asks.
"Emily, you don't remember Drew?" I ask.
"Drew Gomez?" She chuckles.
"Yes." I said, smiling.

She's playing a joke on me.
"I haven't seen him for two years..." She says.
I frown.
" old are you, Em?" I ask.
"That's a funny question!" She laughs.
I raise my eyebrow.
"I'm twenty..."




Morning/afternoon/evening/night to y'all!

How'd I do?

So, book #2 is out: OH MY LOVE!!!

It's a story of their past. More info about what happened.

So y'all got a second book!



Peace out✌️

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