Chapter 18: I am...

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Warning(that's all I'll say)




I feel drained. He came again and this time he tortured me by punching me on the face. I'm bruised and broken. Bleeding and crying.

And I don't know what is going to happen to me next.

"Hi, Emily." I looked up, tirdely. I gasped and flinched in pain.
"You?" I said. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I yelled.
"Oh, Emily. Sometimes revenge needs to be slow and sure. Instead of fast and speedy. And you've always been part of my plan." He says.
"I trusted you." I whispered.
"See, trust is a good and a bad thing. You give it to the wrong ones then your heart will be open to pain and hurt. You hurt yourself, Emily." He said.

I stare at him.
"I hate you, Markus." I hissed.
"Well, then I'll take your leave. Drew, she's all yours." Mark winked.

I yelled. I screamed.

But it was of no use. I knew.

I hated my life enough to know that I will never have my normal again. I hated my life enough to know I will never be the same again.

But this? This is too much!

Drew came near me with ropes and gags and whips.

Fear grew inside me.
"Drew! Drew!" I called. His eyes bored into mine.
"I-I'll give you anything you want." I told him.
"I want revenge from Martin, Emily. And you're my only way to that." He said.
"I-I have another way. His reputation is already tarnished. Y-you can call him and tell him." I said. He nodded.
"How will that help?" He asked.
"He'll feel like hell and then he'll give you anything you want. You can ask him for anything you want. But first, you'll have fool him." I said.
"Fool him how?" He asked, confused by my theory. Honestly, so was I. What am I doing?
"Tell him you don't want anything. Then let me say and talk to him. Then he'll come here and y-you get your revenge." I muttered the last part. He came close to me, touching his pointer to my lips.
"Alright." He pulls out his phone and dials Martin's number.

"Martin Kain's assistant speaking." Chloe says.
"I need to speak to...Martin. Urgent, Ms. Chloe." He finishes. I hear music and I internally groan.


"This is Martin Kain speaking." Martin's voice fills me with calmness and safety. Then, I wish I hadn't. I yelled.
"MARTIN! COME GET ME! MARTIN!" I scream at my lungs.
"Emily? EMILY, I'M COMING!" He yells.
"HURRY, MARTIN!" I yell.

The phone is being smashed and his voice cracks. Then it's gone.

I'm again left with a maniac. Alone.

I look up at Drew's disgusting eyes.
"How could you, Emily? Now, you'll also pay!" He yells.

Taking the ropes he binds my legs and hands together.


With the gag he shuts my mouth.

Ripping some of my hair strands he makes me stand up. He whips me and as it hits my head. I pass out.!





Her voice broke as she yelled. I could hear her pleas in those words. She was in pain. She was crying. AND NOW I' VE LOST IT ALL!

"We found her! She's in a..."



Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night to y'all.

I KNOWWWWW! Sorry for the short chapter.

But I wanted you guys to get this straight.

The shorter the chapter, the longer the book in chapters. Yep;)

Nah, I'll make it longer next chapter. Hopefully!

Peace ✌️

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