Chapter 9: Emily Rue...Kain

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I am so excited! This chapter is really fun to write. Anyways!!! Thank you for the comments and reads. Here is the book.

Oh by the way for the POV's you'll see this ~. I add one every POV change.

Peace out✌️...

Carl's POV~

"What do you mean you want Emily?" I asked him.
"I want Emily and you can have her kids. She won't be with the monster. She'll be with me safe. I promise."
"I'm not giving her up! I WANT THEM ALL!" I roar.
"Tisk, tisk, tisk, don't push your luck. I want Emily and you will give her to me or our deal is off and she'll die at that monsters hands."
"I am not-"
"Ohh, so you want to her to die with her kids? I'll let you think it over." He says. Then the line cuts and I stare at nothing.

Emily...I have to give up Emily to save her from Martin...

Emily's POV~~

I wake up in Martin's bedroom. Or ours if you may. I'm drowsy and I feel weak. Like I've been through hell. Well, I have been through hell.

"Hello?" I weakly get out.
No one comes inside. I look around to find it's night.
"Hi, babe." I look toward the door and see Martin. Shirtless. I roll my eyes. A hole.

He walks over and checks my temperature.
"That's good, you're normal now. How's the headache. The doctor said you might have it after you wake up."
"I don't have a headache." My lungs burns, but other than that I'm dandy, NOT!
"The kids are asleep already and I made you dinner. Well, I made salad. You know I can't cook to save my life." He laughs. This side of Martin was the side I knew when I married this man. Kind, happy, nice and cheerful.

He never could cook. Cereal maybe, if you ask him to boil water, he'll probably start a fire instead. I'm surprised he actually made a salad. Even if it is for me. He'd barely make me anything.

But now I'm gonna find out.
"Why?" I asked.
"Why, what?" He asks.
"Why did you make me a salad."
He looks at me with guilty eyes. He sighs.
"I'm trying. I searched up how kind."
I laughed. "You searched up how to be kind? You can't search up how to be kind! It comes naturally, you're forcing yourself."
"What do you want me to do?!" He yells. "I'm trying to be your husband!"
"You're NOT!"
"I married you, YES I AM!" He yells.
I close my eyes.
"Shut up! Just leave me alone!" I cry. "Just let me go!"
"I can't."
"Why not?" I whisper.
"Because I love you."
I stare at this man. This is my chance to tell him what I wanted to tell him for so long.
"You. Can. Never. Love. Anybody. In. Your. Fücking. Life!"

And he unravels in front of me. He kneels down and cries. And I do nothing.

A monster can't love. A devil can't feel. He only lies. This is how he wants empathy. And I'm giving him none this time. I've known this man more than a decade. I know how he works.

Martin's POV~~~

I watch Emily sleeping. She's peaceful. She always used to be. Her eyes close and flutter and her mouth gapes as she sleeps. Her hair cover her face and her hands press her right cheeks. She looks so cuddly.

She softens me. Now that I have her near me, I was thinking to be better for her. I hated myself when I hit her beautiful face. I hate myself for breaking our love and losing her love in me.

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