Chapter 5

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Y/n pov

I woke up in morning and i saw i'm in a large room.The room looks very elegant with expensive things large tv large sofa large bed there is also a mini fridge beside my bed.Where exactly am i right now?Suddenly the door open and a girl around my unnie age.she bow to me i exactly to the same cz of course she older then me."good morning miss how was your sleep?"she asked me"it was good thank you for asking."she smiled at me."glad to know.breakfast will serve in around 20 minutes.come downstairs when you are ready"."i nodded and she leave the room i quickly go to the room and do my routine after 10 minutes saw saw a black hoodie black jeans and white sneakers.i wore it and took my surprise it was my size.i shrugged it of  and go to downstairs and i saw jennie kim!!??wait is this her house??"Baby good morning how was your sleep"?she asked me sweetly but i just ignore her suddenly she gripped my hand tightly"i asked you a question sweetheart"her voice was deep and scary."it was g-good.jennie y-you h-hurting me"she let go of my hand she bruised my hand."you should answer my question sweety next time don't ignore my question or there will be a consequences do i make myself clear?"i gulped at her demand cz she looks so scary.i nodded but she held my chin and looks deeply at my eyes."i need words kitten""yes i-i u-understand"i shuttered fuck!she smiled and take my hand we walks to the dining table i sit in the chair and she sit beside me.few moments later few maids served breakfast at the table i can't but drooling how delicious these food looks.i quickly eat the food like its my last meal."hon slow down"she blankly told me."i'm sorry.i'm just very hungry"she nodded.we finished our food and jennie told me to come with me i just follow her and we go to the living room she sit down.when i sit down next to her she suddenly pulled in her lap.i blushed hardly.she chuckled at my reaction and told me"there is no need to be shy baby you will used to it soon"she stare at me deeply."since you are mine now your old life is gone and your new life is starts with me from now on.There is some rules you need to be follow.i look at her and told her"what rules?"but she just smirks and chuckle i got goosebumps at her behaviour.

God save me from this psycho bitch.

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