chapter 18(flashback)

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Kim jisoo pov:

After y/n leave i quickly go to my room and sat down.after sometimes power cut off.the room was so dark.i found a candle and lit it up.i was sleepy so i decide taking a nap.i lay down and close my eyes to sleep.

Two hours later:

Still jisoo pov:

"Jisoo wake up". I opened my eyes and my mom." hey mom what's the matter"?i rubbed my eyes."did know where is y/n?my mom asked me."y/n?she say she need some book from the library". "Jisoo she was with you.later i saw you was sleeping then i searched the entire mansion and asked some maid but i found nothing". I was anxious.where are you y/n?" mom calmed down.i'm sure she is in then library.let's go.i quickly go to the library with my mom.when we reached the library was locked outside.but i know the library is closed in exect midnight.i called the guard and told him to break the lock.he was hesitant first but i told i got permission from mr. Kim.he quickly break the lock and we get inside and turned on the lights i forgot to tell the power is already back.we was shocked to see y/n on the floor unconscious.i quickly go to her held her.i almost forgot she have phobia of can i forgot this.i'm such a bad sister."jisoo quickly get her to her room".i carry y/n in bridal style and go to the room and lay down on her in bed."jisoo call your father".i called my father.he come in the room and asked us what happened.i told him everything and he called came and checked her up."well don’t' worry she will be fine.she need some rest.i prescribed some father nodded and the doctor left.after sometimes we saw mr and mrs kim as well as jennie enter the room.they look so concerned while jennie she hung her head low."we just heard what happened.i hope she is alright".mr kim told my father."yes sir she is alright.thank you for your concerned".he nodded and glared at jennie.jennie just hanged her head low.i wonder what happened.

Jennie pov:

I feel so guilty.i don’t' know y/n has a phobia off darkness.yes it was me who locked y/n in the library.i just wanted to learned her some lessons.idk it will that dad is so mad at me.he almost slapped me but mom calmed him Down.well i deserved this."jennie you just crossed the line.i'm ashamed of you".dad spat at me harshly."hon clam down please".my mom tried to calm him down."thank god one of my guard saw you what are you doing.jennie this your last ever warning.don't test my patience.i can make your life in living you better listen to me what i say.Understand?dad shout at me very harshly.i pissed my pants a little."whatever y-you say d-dad".he just ignore me and goes out while my mom shake her in head disappointed and told me to follow her.later we stand in front their room and entered."we just heard what happened.i hope she is dad asked mr.namjoon.while i keeps my head in low.i Didn't dare to eye content any of them."yes sir she is alright.thank you for your concern."i can glared at me."well my daughter here to apologised.she done a terrible things to your daughter".y/n family looks confused."what you mean sir"? "Well she is the one who locked your daughter in library". My dad told them.i shut my eyes closed.i hear them gasped in shocked." jennie apologize to them"my dad told me darkly.i bowed at them,"i'm sorry mr and mrs kim i've done a horrible thing to your daughter.i'm sorry please forgive me".i guilty.i hope they forgive me."no young master what are you doing please don’t bow at us we are low born people.mrs kim told me politely."no we are all the same.she made a mistake and she will fixed this.jennie when y/n woke up apologized to her quickly."dad told me."yes dad i will". "And also you are grounded for 2 weeks". He told me and leave the room with my mother.i also leave the room and go to my room and sobbed quietly.

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