chapter 46

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Third person pov



They both said in unison.they both stare at each other."j-jennie what are you doing here?"y/n asked her bravely but inside she was scared as hell."how are you y/n?"y/n shocked how jennie's voice is soft but broken.jennie looks so broken."jennie i asked you something what are you doing in my office?"y/n raised her voice but Didn't flinched.jennie hung her head low.y/n sighed."jennie why are you back?are you trying to ruin us again?why jennie why?"y/n broked down in tears.jennie just looked at her.she can't uttered a word."y/n i'm not going to kidnapped you or my daughter.i'm going to check you guys how are you doing".jennie softly said to her but y/n can't believe her."no jennie you are lying."jennie was shocked to hear that."y/n please believe me i'm this seven years i was guilty and broken.after the accident i was in coma for 1 year.after i wake up i was looking for you and eliza all time.y/n i know i was a jerk that time but now i changed myself for you and my daughter.i will do anything for your forgiveness.just give me a one last chance y/n.let me prove my love for you."jennie kneeled down to her bowing her head.y/n's tear is also flowing like a river.she can't give this chance to jennie that easily.she have to earned this.showing her true love to her."j-jennie i don't know you ruined my life that time but if you really changed prove it for me and my daughter."jennie get up face her."i promise you y/n this time i will only show my love for you and my.daughter and i also apologised to jisoo for everything."y/n nodded.

"Y/n can i eliza?" jennie mumbled cutely.y/n little smiled at her cuteness."ok come on she is in jisoo unnie's cafe".jennie nodded and we left.

We reached the coffee shop."unnie".y/n called her sister.jisoo showed and shocked to jennie beside y/n.jisoo's body begun to tremble.y/n hold her immediately."y-y-y/n w-what she d-doing in here?"y/n rubbed her back."unnie it's ok she is going to apologized to us."jisoo clam down a little.jennie came near them and bow to them."i'm soo sorry jisoo.i treated you soo badly that time.i want to fixed everything.please forgive me Please."jennie cried out loudly.jisoo felt pity for her.she quickly hug jennie."jennie it's ok i'm glad you finally realized your mistakes."jisoo smiled at her."thank you jisoo".jisoo nodded.

"Mommy". They turned and saw eliza running toward y/n.y/n carried her.jennie just stare at her daughter." mommy who is that?"eliza whispers at her mommy."this is your mama eliza".eliza jusy stare at jennie."she is my other mama?"eliza asked her.she nodded."mama".eliza runs to jennie and hugged her tightly.jennie also hugged her back kissed her al over her face.y/n and jisoo just them in awe.

Y/n thought,i hope jennie is changed and going to fix everything.

There is more 2 chapters left and this story will completely finished.

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