chapter 35

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Jisoo pov

I froze when i heard her wicked voice i immediately cut my was jennie's can she find us?why she calling me with mina's  phone?"unnie are you ok?"i snapped out of my thoughts when y/n called me."n-nothing y/n it's network problem that's why she can't talk".i make a excuse."oh ok unnie now what you want to talk about?"

"It's nothing y/n.we should sleep now it's already late".she nodded and lay down on the bed."umm y/n i have some works.i will be right back". I kissed her forehead and leave the room.i sighed and lean on the door.i felt like crying.why she do this to us?we can't she leave y/n?i hope mina and chaeyoung is ok.i can't bare to lose them.what am i gonna do?

I called somi maybe she can help me.i called her after a few rings she picked up." hey somi sorry for disturbing.i need your help."i told her desperately."ok jisoo what can i do for you?she asked me."can we stay at your house for a week?"i hopefully asked her."yes of course.i'm living alone in this you guys can stay with me".i sighed in relief."thank you somi we will coming in the morning."

"Ok see you soon bye".i cut the phone and sighed.god please don't let her find us.

Third person pov

In the jennie's basement only screaming and crying can heard.jennie men's beat the hell out of chaeyoung and mina.after 2 days of tortured chaeyoung finally opened her mouth and told her everything.she can't bear the's more painful when her girlfriend also in pain.they also beat her." how are you feeling lovebirds?"speaking of the devil here she is with her famous wicked smirk."i hope my mens treating you well i'm sorry if there is any lack".chaeyoung scoffed at her."f-f-fuck y-you".after saying this she felt a pain in her right hand.she Screamed in pain."watch your mouth you little smol bean.know your place".jennie smirked.

"You both are so loyal to me.if you told me earlier non of you can't like this but it's i finally find out where are they and i have lots connection in italy.after i found my y/n i will kill both of you and your friend.then nobody can have my y/n.hahahahahhhahahhahaha.she is only mine.MINE MINE MINE forever MINE."

Every men in this room scared of their boss behaviour.they can saw how crazy she is for y/ they understand one thing that "nobody can touch her property.if they did she will haunt your life forever.

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