chapter 21(flashback)

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Kinda long chapter

Four years later

Third person pov:

Four years already past.everything in kim mansion doing well.Namjoon is still driver and his wife is one of the maid in this mansion.jennie's parents is still going strong and jennie and y/n friendship also but that's the problem past 4 years jennie developing feelings for y/ day months by months it became stronger.she became totally obsessed with her.she always make sure to stay with her 24/7 hours.always watched her moves.what she is doing.who she talking to everything.she also kill some people who came near to her or flirt with her.she also killed hanbin cz he almost gets into her pants.she was so furious that she killed him.her dream is to marry her and live with her forever.y/n does not having any single clue what jennie is doing to her.she always feel someone watching her in sleep or in the shower.she always feel this everyday.also her some of clothes is missing.she was confused and by day it became worse.

Y/n pov:

My school is finished.i was ready to go home suddenly someone called me i turned around and saw jackson wang.well his handsome and gentleman at the same time.i kinda like him actually."hey y/n are you going home.let me accompany you".he told me polity."ok let's go"he smiled at me and we walked together.we reached at my home."thank you jackson". "No problem y/n.i always like to walk with you.he mumbled shyly.i chuckled at him and kiss his cheeks.he blushed hardly and i pinched his cheeks how red it was.

Jennie pov:

I was fuming in y/n is flirting with this jerk.i was seeing them with cctv camera.i installed some cctv camera just for y/n.of course dad does not know anything.i clenched my fist and thought how to kill him.i finally finished my plan and i smirked.y/n already inside in mansion and this jerk is also going.i called my man and told them to kidnapped this jerk.1 hour later they captured him.i told them to bring him to my basement.yes i already have my own basemant.they tied him in chair and i patiently wait.after sometime he awake and screaming like crazy.aish he is soo noisy.i've to done this quickly." well hello you jerk".i smirked."who a-are you?why a-am i h-here?he was sobbing.such a loser tch."well you touched something that belongs to me".he looked at me in confused."what thing?i lean closer to him."you touched my y/n and nobody can touch her.she is only you to have pay for this."i was laughing like crazy while he looked at me in wide eyes."well well you have some pretty and big eyes here.i want them. i always want big round eyes.can i have yours please"?he looked at me in horror."silence means yes".i go to my weapon section and found a Pocket knife.i point the knife at his eyes and stab both of them.he was screaming in pain.blood was covered his i grab a scissor and cut his fingers and toe i grab a nail switch gun and pointed in his tongue and lastly my favourite dagger soon i will crave my name in y/n beautiful body.i cut his pants and slice his manhood.i think i became deaf from how loud his voice.i slowly and painfully tortured him until 1 hour.he is already whole body is covered in blood.i called my men to clean this.i quickly go to my room and take shower.

Seokjin pov:

I reached my home after work.i lazily flop down in sofa.suddenly i heard a faint scream and it's from one of where my basement located.i quickly get up and follow the became louder and clear.then i reached a room.2 years ago jennie hired this room for some reason.the scream was coming from their.i slowly open the door and saw something that i will never daughter jennie killing someone.i nearly puked how brutal was that.she was killing this for y/n.she is obsessed with her.that's why my daughter acting strange in these i need to tell them.i need to save namjoon's daughter from jennie.after killing jennie quickly go to her room.i run to my room and called my wife.i told her everything.she can't believed this.we both going in to their room.they shocked at our behaviour.i closed the door."now listen to me very need get out of this mansion and never come back".they all widened their eyes."but why sir"?namjoon asked me."it's about my and your's daughter matter."they looked confused specially y/n.i sighed."jennie is obsessed with y/n.earliar today i saw her killing a boy."they all gasp in fear."that's why you all need to get outta here".pack  your all leaving in midnight.i was about leave y/n called me "sir what about you?" i looked at her and smile weakly."she is my daughter and i know she won't kill me".

Third person pov:

Everything is ready.kims packed all of their bags.seokjin already hired a place for them.jennie does not know have a single about it."alright come on let's get outta here".seokjin told them.they all nod.when they get in into car...

"Dad are you helping them?"

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