chapter 2

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Jennie pov

I sat down on my office chair i'm tired after killing that filthy businessman well he deserved it he can't pay my dept nobody can mess with me Nobody.after sometime someone knock at the door i said come in and saw my assistant park chaeyoung she came i look at her told her what happened she told me there is one person who took money from our company 8 months's already 1 year he can't pay his debt.i told her how much?she told me about 50 million that's our company recond.i smirked and thought to myself,"looks like i have a another victim today".what's his name?she give me files well his is name is Kim namjoon have 2 two daughter's kim y/n who studies in highschool and kim jisoo lives in abroad and his wife is murdered 2 years ago.
I closed the file and get up from my chair and told my assistant to be ready


Still jennie pov

I just look at her face she look so cute and innocent.i grab namjoon's hair and told him,"this is your daughter right?"he nodded i let go of his hair and approached her she looks so scared i held her chin gently to look at me well i must say she is soo pretty her eyes her lips.i just want to keep her.she is mine."hi baby my name is jennie ruby jane kim"

Y/n pov
Jennie ruby jane kim!!!!the most feared mafia what she doing in our house???
I look at my dad he hang his head low.
Then jennie get up goes to him and whisper in his ear he looks shocked and looks at me i got confused then jennie smirks at him and she took me in her arms i struggled in her embrace but she held me tightly"what are you doing??"jennie smirks at me"
Claiming what's mine.she giggling like a child."what you want from us"?I asked her."well your father owns me 50 million dollar but he can't pay me that's why we doing this your dad clearly knows what will happen if he can't pay his debt."
My dad begun to cry and saying sorry i can't take this"please give us some time we will pay your money".
Jennie look at me,"how much time huh its already very late and those who cant pay my money you know what happen.i widened  my eyes but she cupped my cheeks and smile at me,"but Don't worry i will pay your father debt but she whispers in my ear,"you have to come with me and become my girlfriend."

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