chapter 33

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12 hours later

Jisoo pov

Finally we reached italy.ugh it was a long flight.the plane landed safely.we go down.we get out out from the airport.i searched around and looking for the person who will received us.suddenly a middle aged men bow at us."are you miss y/n and jisoo kim?"the man asked us.we nodded."nice to meet you miss my name gong yoo and i'm your driver"."ohh so he is our driver."nice to meet you sir".we bow to him."alright let's go.let me grab your luggage."he grabbed our luggage.we and into the car.he start driving.i looked outside and enjoy the sceneries.i looked beside y/n she was sleeping.i guess she is tired.after 1 hour of driving we reached in a luxurious hotel.we got out from the car.we get inside the hotel.i must say the hotel was well decorated."welcome to hotel punta barone".(i searched in google😐).i am the manager of this hotel".he smiled at us."please make yourself comfortable in this hotel.guys take them to their room please".the man take our bags.we get into our room."maam if there's anything you need please call us".i nodded and thanked him.he leaves our room.i sighed and sat on the bed."wow unnie this place is soo cool.i want to live here forever."i chuckled at her.well this is her first time in abroad.i want my sister to be happy.she suffered a lot under jennie's grip.she destroyed our family.i will not give my sister to her.right now we need to be carefull.jennie has lot of connections in all around the mistake and we doomed.i'm just alive for my sister.i will protect her at all cost.

Son chaeyoung pov:

"Hon they reached safe and sound in italy." mina told me.i sighed in relief."glad to hear that".mina smiled at me.suddenly my phone rang.i got my's from my workplace.i picked up."hello".

"Chae you need to come to the office right now". It's an emergency." i was confused."what kind of emergency?i asked him."chae boss told me to inform get your ass here now."before i can reply he hung up."hon what's wrong?"mina asked me."hon i need to go to the office".mina knitted her eyebrows."work but today is sunday right?"i sighed."yes.they told me there is a emergency."mina nodded.i go to my room and change my clothes."hon i'm going".mina came to me and hugged me."hon you ok?"i worriedly ask her."idk just come home quickly ok?"she cutely told me.i smiled and pecked her lips."ok hon.see you soon bye".i go to my car and drove to my workplace.after some time i reached my work place.i get inside the building.i go to the reception table."excuse me miss i have appointment from the boss to meet her".she nodded and called my boss.after the talk put the phone."boss is waiting for you".i nodded and go to the top floor.i reached and knock the door."come in."i push the door and go inside and saw my boss jennie kim sitting in her chair.i bow to her."boss you call out for me?"she get up from the chair."yes miss chaeyoung i need to talk to you".she looked at me deeply.i gulped."y-yes m-miss what you want to talk about"?i shuttered.i don't know i'm scared for some unknown reason."miss chaeyoung my every workers in this building are very loyal to me.they accepted my order like a puppet and if they disobey me you know what will happened right"?i gulped in fear."now miss son tell me are you loyal to me?"she asked me darkly.of course m-miss i-i'm loyal t-to y-you".she chuckled darkly.i shivered in fear.she walks to me and grab my chin.fuck she is so close."ok miss son i trust with your words".i sighed in relief but this time she grabbed my chin hardly

"Now tell me son fucking chaeyoung where is my y/n?"

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