chapter 14 (flashback)

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8 years ago

Kim seokjin pov:

"Please don't k-kill me" the man infront of me pleaded not to kill him."give me a good reason why i should not to kill you?"the man was shivering.well we are "kims".every single man here should be afraid of me." i have f-family."i lool at him at disgust."family?you called a family after beating your wife and almost sold your children?how cruel are you".i was shouting.nobody should harm their family."you peace of shit don't deserved to live".i point the gun at him and shoot him Directly in head.i walk to my mens"clean this shit".they nodded and i walk towards my car and ready to go home.after 1 hour of drive i finally reached my home and all the maids bow at me."daddy"i smile widely my daughter come to me"my baby how are you?i kiss her forehead and she smile widely."daddy i'm good.i smiled."glad to know where is mommy?i can't see her."mommy she have important works so is she at her office".but she said she don’t have any works today.i think it's emergency."ok princess i'm going to my room for take a shower.she replied,"ok daddy”.

Third person pov:

Seokjin done takes shower at bathroom.he get out from the bathroom and saw her wife is already here but she talking to someone."look you don't understand.i can't give her to you".seokjin was confused.what she mean by that?"hon".he called her wife.her wife become froze and turn around and saw her husband with confused face."who are you talking to" her was silent for sometime."i'll call you back later."she turn off the phone and face her husband."nothing hon it was one of my friend's daughter likes our daughter's dog.she likes her but you know she won't give her.she loves her so much."her husband sigh in relief for some unknown reason."ok.let's go and eat dinner."he hold her wife hand.her was blushing hardly.after so many years of marriage they both love each other so much.they go to the dining and their one and only daughter jennie kim sitting in the chair waiting for them."hi sweety did you wait long?"jennie's mother ask her."no mommy."they all sat and eat their dinner.after the dinner kim head butler  approach mr kim to told him something."mr kim your new driver and his family is here." nodded.ok send them to me"He nodded and called them.few moments later the kim's butler introduced to him."so you are my new driver?" ask him.he bowed."yes sir."he nodded."i think this is your wife and daughters."he asks his new driver."yes mr kim"he hummed."what's your name?"

" sir my name is kim namjoon"

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