chapter 28

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jk96crazyforyou thank you for some ideas😁

Few days later

Y/n pov

Today is the day that i will escape from jennie.i planned everything.i need to carefull.i roamed around the mansion alot.i'm going ro escaped in Midnight all the maids are asleep and nightbody guards are awake and guarded the mansion.i just pray to god that i will escaped.

Night came jennie peacefully sleeping beside me.i get up.slowly not waking her up.i wore jennie's clothes.there are same size as mine.i put shades and mask so the bodyguards can't recognized me.i opened the door and looked at jennie one last time and get out.i took a deep breathe and got down in was very dark inside.i go to the main door and saw some bodyguards Patrolling outside while holding guns.i gulped and thought,"no y/n you are very can't give can do this".i sighed.i opened the door and goes outside.immediately two bodyguards stands infront of whole body is trembling.

"Hey who are you?where you going?one of the bodyguard told me rudely." watch your tone i'm your boss ruby jane."i told them with my deep and cold voice.i always saw jennie talk to their servants with cold voice.i never saw her talk to them nicely."ohh i-i'm sorry maam.i can't recognized you."the two bodyguards bowed to me."ok now move i have some works to do".they move aside and i go to the steel door.i cant believe i'm going to escaped but

"Maam don't you need a car?i stopped walking and looked back," no i don't need it.i can walk.i told them and one of the guard unlock the door for me.i quickly go outside and they lock the door behind me.i sighed in relief.i want to cry right now.i begun to walk.i need to go far away from this mansion.there is no vehicles out there.while walking i thought,where should i go right now.i don' have any money.i don't know this place.i was thinking this while not knowing a vehicle crashed into me but the impact was not that strong.

"Oh my god miss are you ok?" the person asked while i barely opened my eyes and soon i lost my sense.

???? Pov

Oh my god what should i do?the girl is already unconscious.i checked her pocket to know her identity but i found nothing.there is only clothes of hers.i need to get her into my house.i carried her in bridal style.i get her into my car and started to drive to my home.after 30 minutes i reached my home and i carried her.i press the door bell.the door opened and saw my girlfriend looking at me in confused."hon what happened?who is she?she asked me in worried.

"Hon there is no time.please help me." i quickly go to my bed room while carrying her.i placed her in the bed.i removed her mask and she is pretty."hon help removed her clothes".she nodded and helped me.i wore her my pajamas.i checked her body if there is any injuries but luckily there is none.i get out from the bed room with my girlfriend."hon now tell me What happened?"she asked me serious.i sighed and tell her everything."i wonder who is she.i think she comes from a rich family.her clothes looks expensive."i told my girlfriend.she nodded."now we need to wait for her to wake up."i nodded suddenly i heard a screamed and it's coming from our room.we quickly get inside and saw her screaming and struggling.i go to her and tapped her cheeks to wake up."hey hey wake're having a bad dream."she opened her eyes and saw me.she hugged me tightly.she was sobbing.i gently rubbed her back to calm her down.i looked at my gf who look at this girl in pity.i broke the hug and wiped her tears."hey don't cry.tell us what happened?we will help you."she calmed herself a little.

"I run a-away.the house is n-not good for me.i need to e-escaped from this hell." she again sobbing while trembling.this girl is very traumatized.i wonder what happened to her."you're safe now don't tell me your name."i asked her calmly."my name is y/n.she smiled little.

"Nice to meet you y/n my name is son chaeyoung and this is my girlfriend mina".

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