chapter 24

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Y/n pov:

After the sex i can't see jennie's been a whole weak.i asked irene where she is but she told me one thing,"she will comeback soon".i'm soo confused right she feeling guilty what she done to me?she left me alone in this mansion.i'm right now in the kim's's so beautiful.but strangely the garden looks familiar to me like i've visit this garden before.suddenly i saw a flower it was in strange shape but the Flower was already dead.why can't they throw it if it's already dead.before i can touch the flower my head hurts,

Hey what are you doing

I was just admiring the flower nothing else

Admiring huh?i clearly saw you touching the are going to steal it aren't you?

I'm soo sorry please forgive me

Y/n we should become friends

I groans in pain.i held my head and sit down on the ground.i heard irene calling me and i loose my conscious.

I woke up and i was in jennie's room.idk what happened in garden.everything was just blured.the main door opened and i saw irene with food and medicine in her hands."y/n are you alright?".irene asked me."yes,just a little headache".she nodded."what exactly happened"?

"I don't know when i entered the garden everything feels like deja vu.specially when i saw the dead flowers.there was a girl who appeared in my vision but her face was blurred". Irene sighed.

" well don't pressured yourself.get some rest.i will see you later".i nodded and she left.i eat the food and medicine.i lay down on the bed.

Why can't i remember her.i always saw her in my Dreams but her face was blurred.i only remember my family and nini.her name was nini.i don't remember clearly but she promised me she will marry me someday.but sadly i can't remember her face.i hope i can meet her someday.

Third person pov

She was inside a room nothing but a single bed dark inside and cold.suddenly irene enter inside the room."how many days are you going to be in this room"?irene asked her but she just quite."please miss it's been 8 years.forget it about already have y/n.what else do you want?"irene shout at her but she just stare at her blankly.

"I just want her to love me irene".

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