chapter 22(flashback)

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Third person pov:

"Dad are you helping them"?

They all shocked specially jennie's parents.they clearly saw jennie was sleeping peacefully.they also place bodyguards outside of jennie's room.jennie was standing infront them.she looks totally insane like she will kill all of them." jennie honey what are you doing here"?jennie's mom asked her."mom dad are you helping them?you guys taking my y/n from me."jennie told them blankly.her looked dark.fist clenching."honey you can't do need help.please listen to us.everything will be ok".seokjin told jennie calmly but jennie straight keep looking at y/n.y/n shivered in fear."no dad you all take y/n away from me.nobody can take can't stop me.hahahahahahahhaa..she is only mine.she was laughing like crazy.all them were terrified of jennie specially y/n."and now i will kill all of you so that i can take y/n."jennie grab something and it's chainsaw.everybody widened thier and tried to stop her.suddenly from behind two bodyguards held her tighty.seokjin quickly grabed the weapon.jennie struggling like crazy."let me go you bitch.i will kill you all.y/n is mine.she only belong to me..ahhhhhhhh."she was Screaming."gurads quickly put her to her room and tied her.make sure she does not escaped".seokjin told them.they nod and dragged her away.he told them to leave."sir thank you". Namjoon told him.seokjin nod and told the driver to drived safely.they all left expect jennie's parents.they just stood their don't know what to do."hon are you ok?"his wife asked her.seokjin smiled weakly,"yes hon i'm alright.i need check jennie you go to our room and take rest."she nodded and left.seokjin sighed to to jennie's room.he opened the and jennie tied in the bed unconscious."what happened to her?"he held her hand."sir she lost her conscious while bringing into her room".he nodded."keeping eye on her and make sure she Doesn't escape."he told them and left the room.he called a doctor to checked on jennie.after the call he going back to his room.he reached his room and opened the door and saw taehyung and his own wife hugging eachother.he can't believe his eyes what he just saw.they break the hug and smiling to each other.but next thing broke jin's heart.he saw they kissing each other with love.he clenched his jaw.tears form into his eyes.after the kiss,"honey let's get outta with our daughter."i will make you happy.leave him."taehyung told her."but tae he is also my husband i can't leave him like that."she told him."ahhh why can't you leave him you i love you for a very long just married for your parents.i'm your real are mine and also jennie.i will take every responsibility.i will make you you love me?"taehyung asked her while jin watching them blankly."yes i love you tae".jin's heart is broken into million pieces.tae smiling widely and kiss her forehead."that's it.we will leave in early morning.after jin sleeping i will flee jennie.we will leave the country".jin can't stand this so he leave.he was fuming in anger.later he just smirked and thought,"let's see taehyung how far you can go".

Taehyung pov:

Finally my plan is going to be successd.i told my men to kill jin when we leave.i can't believe she will be finally MINE.i go to the jennie's room.there is some bodyguard.i knock them out and carry her to my car.after putting her i suddenly saw jin is standing in front of me while smirking." b-brother jin what a-are you doing here?"what the hell is he doing here?but he just smirking suddenly somebody knocked my head from behind.i held my head.i soon lose my unconscious.

Seokjin pov:

I ordered my men to drag his body to basement also put my wife but in different rooms.i will make sure to kill him slowly but painfully.i own blood betrayed me.he will see the real me.after putting them in the basement i go to my wife she already awake and struggling in chair."hon what are you doing?get me outta here."i just looked at her blankly.Why?after you done to me?you betrayed me with taehyung.tell me how long you've in this relationship?"she just hung her head low crying."goddamnit answer me you bitch."i already losing control.she flinced of my voice."before our marriage.we love each other.we fell in love in highschool but my parents like you for me.i argued with them that i love tae and i want marry him but they don't listen to me.tae wanted to runway with me.i told him we can hide this relationship.until now we still in relationship.i'm so sorry".i just listen to her.after all this years she's in relationship with my brother behind my back.i can't help but slap her hardly.i was also crying.i love this women with my whole can she do this to me?"i also hide this truth from you and i know i will be dead today so i better told you before my death".i looked at her."what truth?"i'm soo nervous."jennie is not your child."taehyung is the real father".after hearning this my whole world is collapse.jennie is not my can i accept this?i just bury my hand in my face and crying hardly.i don’t' want to live.suddenly i heard a gun shot. Soon the door open and i saw taehyung and jennie??what is she doing in here?she was holding a gun and looked at me blankly.taehyung whispered something to her she nodded.she put the gun at she going to kill me?taehyung just smirked at me.before i can talk jennie already shoot three times i can hear my wife screaming i looked at her smiling weakly and i closed my eyes and darkness surrounding me.this is my end now.

Jennie pov:

I don't feel any regret when i killed my father or should i say step-father.uncle tae already told me everything with proofs that he is my real father.i support my real father.he deserve to die he help to escaped my y/n.father quickly go to my mom cupped her cheeks who just stare at my dead father.wait my mom also help them to escaped.yes she was also with them.she also deserved to die.without thinking i shoot my mother.she fell in to taehyung's arm who just screaming my mother's name."no no no babe please don't leave me.i can't live without bitch you killed my love.i will kill you.taehyung grab his gun ready to shoot but i shoot him first.i fell in the floor and he also dead.i heard footsteps and i saw our head butler and irene who looked shocked.later i'm in my sense and dropped the gun.what just happened?did i killed them?i was screaming and crying.irene hold me tightly rubbing my back.i don’t know what happened later i slowly loose my conscious.

Wow that was long chapter😐😐
My finger hurts😩

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