chapter 34

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Third person pov:

"Now tell me son fucking chaeyoung where is my y/n?"

Jennie gripped chaeyoung's jaw tightly.chaeyoung widened her eyes she thought jennie is the y/n's kidnapper."miss kim w-what a-are y-y-you talking a-about?"she was so scared.jennie just smirks at her."you think i'm a fool miss son i know're the one who took y/n from the road and get into your don't you fucking lie to me now tell me where is she?"jennie yanked her hair hardly."miss kim i d-don't know w-what a-are y-you  talking about.please let m-me g-go.chae was crying hardly.she can't tell the truth or her all of her close will die.

"Tch you are such a fool.i thought you're loyal to i have to punished you". Chae widened her eyes and she knew what her boss meant.before she can talk jennie kicked her stomach hardly.chae winched in pain and lay down on the floor.jennie called someone." guard take miss son from my office and put her in the basement."she ended the and looked down at her who was still in pain.the guards came and took chaeyoung."listen beat this piece of shit until she tell where is y/n understand?? She ordered them.they all nodded and drag chaeyoung to the basement.jennie sit in her chair and smirked.

"Just a little bit more baby.i will find you soon.enjoy your little freedom for now."

2 days later

Jisoo pov

It's been two days everything here is fine.specially y/n.she is enjoying being in here.right now we are going to visit my friend.we are currently waiting for her."hey jisoo wassup?"i turned my head and saw jeon somi.i get up from my sit and hugged her."aigoo you missed me that much?"i punched her chest lightly."yah i'm not."she just laugh and look at my sister."oh my who is this gorgeous girl?"y/n blushed hardly."y/n this is my closed friend somi and somi this my younger sister y/n."somi and y/n shaked thier hands."jisoo you never told me that you have a gorgeous sister?"y/n's face now a tomato.i chuckled."there there now you meet her happy?"somi just pouted.

We've talking and laughing almost two hours."ohh guys i have to go.i have some work."

"Ok see you later bye". Before she  leave," ohh y/n if you don't mind can i take your number?"she shyly asked her.don't tell she likes my sister."sure here you go".she gives her number.somi smiling widely.this idiot."thank you y/n i will call you later bye".she waved her hand and she left.i look at y/n she was smiling."you like her don't you?"i teased her.she widened her eyes."yah i don't like her".she covered her face.she is blushing."alright Alright let's goo."she pouted cutely.we reached our hotel.y/n go to the bathroom while i sit in the bed.i think it's the right time to tell her about jennie.y/n get out from the bathroom."y/n i need to talk to you" she sit beside me."ne unnie what you want to talk about?"

But before i can talk my phone rang.i take my phone and saw mina calling me.i picked up the phone

"Hello mina how are you?" but i just heard crying sound."hey mina are you ok?but there was no reply.suddenly i heard a cold laugh from the other whole body is shrived in fear."y-yah who a-are you?"i hope mina is ok.but i widened my eyes in horror when i heard her voice

"How are you my sister-in-law?"

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