chapter 39

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Y/n pov

I don't know how minutes hours days weeks and months passed i still stuck in this dark hell hole.after the incident she locked me inside her room.she only come back with food and sleeps with me.i don't know what happened my sister and michaeng couple after.she always told me they are ok.

And guess what...

"I'm pregnant".

Yes you heard this right i'm pregnant.jennie Doesn't have a dick but she pregnant me by ivf process.i just want to kill her for this but she told me it's for our better future.what future?there is no future for us.i just want to get outta here with my sister and my unborn child." how are you doing baby?".i sighed and closed my eyes.i don't wanna hear her annoying voice.she kissed my forehead and my stomach."is my other baby doing well hmm?"she sweetly asked my 3 weeks tummy.

"Baby you need anything?" she asked me i ignored her."baby come on tell me".she asked me.softly this time.i sighed and lay down on the bed."i don't need anything please leave me alone".i was waiting for her to shout but she just sighed."ok take rest just call me if you need anything".she kissed my.forehead and leaves the room.i was surprised by her behaviour when she found that i was pregnant she became soft and gentle.she always take care of me.ughh what am i thinking?she is an angel in disguise.don't fall for her trap y/n.

Jennie pov

I sighed for the nth time.i'm trying to lessen my anger.y/n is now pregnant and i don't want to get angry with her.i want to change for a good wife and a good mother of our child.speaking of my child i can't described how happy i was.i promise to myself that i will change my personality.i heard knock at my office door."come in".the door opened and saw my doctor."good evening miss kim".my doctor bowed at me."good evening doctor lee please take sit".he sat down on the chair."how are you miss kim?"he politely asked me."i'm fine doctor thanks to you that i'm doing well".i smiled at him."glad to know that i received your file this morning and i must say you're doing very well".i sighed in relief."you controls your anger very well.". He praised me." thank you doctor".he nodded."i heard your wife is pregnant?"he smiled and i nodded."yes doctor but we are not married legally now".

"Then when you will you marry?" he asked me."in this week".he nodded."well i wish a good luck for your upcoming life".i thanked him."now i should go miss".he bowed and left.i sighed and sat down.

I hope everything will be ok.i don't want any trouble.

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