If you love me Let me go

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Hey guys!!

So I got this idea from a song called 'This Is Gospel' by Panic! At The Disco.
So I just based it around a line in the song the obvi goes " if you love me let me go" so yeh :)

I don't really feel like this chapter was that good but never the less I hope you enjoy!

No this can't be happening, is all I kept thinking as I ran down the white hallway that seemed to go on forever.

I raced past people in waiting chairs, people on mobile beds and older people struggling to stay on their own two feet.

It's strange how one place can hold so much happiness and hope but then so much sadness as well.

I took a sharp left and continued to sprint down the hallway till I made it to room 378 .

I ran through the already open door only to stop in my tracks. I stared in shock as I saw him all bloody, wounded and hooked up to a million machines that were trying to keep him alive.

Still not looking away from him, Lina his mother wrapped me in a tight embrace. I could hear her sobbing and feel her tears soaking into my shirt but I didn't care.

"Oh Sam..." She sobbed.

I tucked my chin into her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her fragile frame but never taking my eyes him.

"Shhh, it's okay...it's okay." I whispered to her.

It's been around two years since the first day I saw him, standing at the counter serving coffee and just living his life.

Instantly I started to fall for him, for everything about him.

His beautiful smile, how he kept flicking his bangs out of his chocolate brown eyes.

I remember the nervousness building up inside me as i walked up to the counter. Me wiping my sweaty palms on my denim blue jeans before saying a shaky "H-hello."

He turned around to face me placing both of his hands on the counter and smiling. "What could I get you today, sir?"

"Just a latte please" I said to him, he nodded and went straight on to making it.

I could remember me starting to fiddle with my phone not even doing anything on it, just so it looked like I was till he gave me my coffee.

"Thank you." I said to him and reluctantly starting to walk away. I took a sip from my cup and when I pulled the cup back I saw in small, neat hand writing.

I'm Bryan, maybe we could hang out sometime? ~0628 4153 0862 call me ;)

(I literally just typed random numbers, then imagine it was someone's phone number lol creepy) I looked back at Bryan and he gave me a wink before serving the customer standing in front of him.

I sighed thinking back to the memory, now look where we are.

"Lina, is he going to be alright? What did the doctors say?" I said trying not to show my sadness through my voice and seem strong but failing.

She lifted her head and looked my deeply into my eyes.

"The driver on the opposite side of the road lost control of the wheel and on impact B-Bryan hit his head on the windshield and they said he is suffering from some head injuring and needs surgery but..." Tears started to trickle down her checks once again.

"But what?" I tried to push on.

"If he goes into the surgery he only has a 95% change of making it back out." She said year voice shaking lightly.

Bxb one shots!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt