He's the only reason (Rewrite)

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Hey guys!

So this is basically a rewrite of 'He's the only reason'. I finished it off but I also changed the first part of it a bit so it sounds better.

I hope you enjoy.
Reasons to die:
I'm a disappointment to everyone.

The little piece of paper in my pocket slightly scraps against the fabric of my skinny jeans as I walk to my next class.

On it are reasons why i should die and why I should live...although the reasons to die side always seems to be winning.

I can feel pairs of eyes staring at me but I try to ignore it failing miserably.

They're staring me not because of my short, dark brown hair, my bland hazel eyes hidden behind my reading glasses or my twig like figure but because I'm a freak to them.

Ever since that day when the biggest jerk in the school saw the scars on my wrist by accident he spread the rumors that I'm suicidal faggot when I'm not.

Those cuts were made deep enough to die from them but instead by the pain I feel from others. It is blissful compared to the pain other people give to me that burn deep into my soul.

I would never tried to kill my self that way, too slow. I would rather jump off a cliff or hang myself.

Walking into my Mathis classroom, I go to the back of the room and take my usual seat. Everyone starts filling in the seats around me then the teacher enters.

" Alright everyone settle down!" He screams above the racket of students voices. " Turn to page 164!" Everyone settles down and the class begins.

During the whole lesson I stare at the clock above the whiteboard wishing and wanting it to go faster so I can go home...but its actually not like thats any better. All I do is hide away in my bedroom, away from my father.

My father bashes me and thinks I'm useless.

The bell finally signals for everyone to go home. My feet tap on the ground as I walk to my house which isn't far from the school. Making my way up the hill I feel like somethings wrong but I can't figure out what, Until I reach for my pocket and feel nothing. I feel nothing.

I race back to school almost tripping over my own feet as I do. Anxiety fills my body and my brain floods itself with questions. What if someone's seen it!?What if someone is seeing it right now!? What will they think!? My life will be worse than living in hell.

No one cares about me anyways.

I push the double doors to the main building open and hearing a loud BANG as they slam against the walls but I'm to worried to care.

I climb up the stairs trying to retrace my steps. My eyes furiously darting left and right looking for any little piece paper that might be mine.

The floor is bare besides some chip packets. I start heading towards the last class I had. Praying it will be there and untouched.

I slowly open the for to see if the teacher is still inside. Thankfully he isn't but someone else is.

My best friend, my only friend, my secret crush standing at the table I was sitting at with a piece of paper in his hand and holding it up to his face, reading.

I'm a suicidal freak to everyone around me.

I open the door fully with it creaking as I do. Nathan looks up towards where the sound came from and his eyes drop on me.

He looks gutted and sad. Slowly Nathan walks up to me, step after step until he's in arms reach.

He lifts his arm and cups my face with his hand. His hands so warm and soft but and the same time strong and powerful.

He looks me straight in the eye and whispers to me something which made tears fall from my eyes.

"You're to beautiful to die, Jamie."

I put shame on the family with me presents

I broke of his glaze and pulled my fave away from his hands, completely ignoring what he just said, not believing it.

I reached forward,trying to grab the little piece of paper with my messy hand writing on it but unfortunately Nathan pulls his arm back dodging my attemp to grab it.

"Nathan please...just give it back." I said looking at the ground and not at his eyes.

I hear him take a deep breath before asking. "Why do u even have this?"

After hearing him say that, it made me think. Why do I have it? Why did I ever write it? What was the point?

I was abandoned by my mother for not being good enough

I feel tears start to run down my face. "To remind me...to remind me about everything not worth living for. To weigh up my options, if I should just jump of a cliff or suffer and hope it gets better. To remind me that I have a choice. I can leave or I can stay." I said in slowly and brought my hands up to cover my face as I sobbed harder.

"Jaime" I heard him whisper, then felt him pull my hands away form my face and lift up my chin to look up at him.

"You are so amazing and beautiful. Every time I look into it eyes they sparkle and shine against the sunlight. When u smile I feel my heart flutter with joy." He chuckled the last part.

"Everything about you is so...I cannot describe how much you mean to me. I-I..."Nathan started stuttering then continued.

"When I'm around my whole world goes fuzzy and all I can see is you." He said looking deep into my puffy eyes.

"Screw it" He said more to himself than to me as he then crashed him lips into mine.

My eyes widen in shock but slowly flutter close as my brain registers what's happening and my heart beats faster.

I wrap my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me as I feel his hands wrap around my waist, bringing our bodies closer together.

After we couldn't take it anymore and pulled back for air, he looked down at me and whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said back as I brought him back down for another kiss.

Reasons to live:

Thank you guys for reading I'm sorry if it wasn't all that good but I love you and till next time stay perfectly perfect aka you. Peace out.

Bxb one shots!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt