What did i do wrong?

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated I have really been busy. I know that's not an excuse but its the truth.

I just wrote this one shot cause I'm feeling kinda depressed right now, family stuff and I just wanted to get my emotions out so I put what I felt into words and added a story with it. Sorry if its not that good.

Hope enjoy.


I struggle up the stairs and walk up to the front door. Unlocking it I cautiously step inside, my eyes scan left and right of our lounge room.

Once I thought the coast was clear and closed the door behind me and walk to my bedroom. I try my best to be as quiet as I could be and when I made it to my door I slam it closed, locking myself away from reality.

This is my daily routine, everyday after school I would dread going home and rush up to my room hopefully unseen. In this house lives my older brother Jonathan, the cat I love most in the world George and m-my mother.

She can be sweet and kind but usually this side of her is only seen in public behind closed doors in our small house sh-she is...a monster.

Well to me she is. Jonathan is the favourite child while I am an outcast in my own family. I have always been the outcast even before I admitted I was gay. It's not my fault i didn't ask to be born this way but I pay for it everyday.

With my back against my bedroom door my breath hitches in my throat when I hear the loud bang of the front door and the noise of footsteps on the wooden floorboard.

The steps get louder until the stop outside my door. I swallow my saliva and prepare for the worst.

My mother starts pounding on my door, I sit there with fear flooding my body. I always lock my door but I was seriously thinking it would come of its hinges.

As she banged on my door she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Robbin you pathetic excuse for a son open this door or I swear I will kill u in the slowest an most painful way possible!"

I felt tears forming on each of my cheeks, I know she had been drinking and every time she did she would be ten times more angry than normal.

I sit there with my arms spread flat against the door listen to my own mother call me a 'faggot' and 'stupid' till she had probably given up and stormed off.

Once I thought she had gone of to the kitchen or her bedroom I put my face in my hands and cried. My tears covering my hands and falling onto my shirt. I sat there for ages just crying.

I don't know what I did wrong, why my own mother hated me so much. I got up, still sad but with so much determination to end it all. I walked into my bathroom connected to my bedroom and opened the drawer below the sink.

As I held the silver razor in my hand I felt my cheeks becoming wet once again. How something so small can end someone's life in seconds.

I pulled the razor to my wrist I was about to slice when a soft meow came from my feet. I looked down to see my ginger cat looking up at me then rubbing my leg with his face as if to comfort me.

I small smile then spread across my face, I drop my razor in the sink and sank down to the floor. George then looked at me and climbed onto my lap and curled into me. Not moments later I heard the soft purring coming from the one thing I love in this world, well one out of two things.

I petted him while he slept on my lap and for once I felt at peace. I was starting to nod of to sleep still on the bathroom floor till my phone started ringing in my pocket.

I pulled it out of the skinny jeans I was wearing trying not to wake up my sleeping cat. I pulled it up to my ear and answered.

"Hel-hello?" I spoke into the phone my voice creaking a bit.

"Robbin! It's me! Hey I need to ask a favo-"

"Who's me again?" I asked.

" Sam! Uno ur best friend, anyways I need to ask u a favour. Can u meet me at the park in 5?" Sam said in a 'duh' voice at first then changed to a nervous tone towards the end.

"Yeh but why"

"I'll tell u when u get there, okay? I've got to go but see u in 5. Bye!" And with that he hung up.

I was left there curious, confused and with a cat sleeping on my lap but having to get ready I stood up carrying George in my arms and walking over to me bed. The sleeping cat moved a bit but I placed him softly on the bed and he was as still as he was before.

I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled on a clean t-shirk seeing as the one I was still wearing was drenched in tears.

I then walked over to my window and started climbing out, not wanting to take one step inside my own house other then in my bedroom and risk running into mother.

I safely made it to the ground and started heading towards the park which was not to far away.

As I entered the gate way to the park I headed towards the play equipment where I could see Sam sitting on one of the swings.

I strold up to him and lean against one of the metal poles holding the swings in the air as I said to Sam. "Aren't u a bit to old to be on the swings?"

He looked at me and smiled. "I'm not that old am I?"

"No ur incredibly old dumass."

Sam placed his hand over his heart and pretended to look hurt. "Dumass! I'm not a dumass!"

"Sure u aren't" I said while rolling my eyes. I sat down on the swing next to him and started swaying.

We sat there in silence, not uncomfortable silence burt peaceful silence. If only I could stop thinking about what my mother said.

"Are u okay?" Sam spoke.

I looked at him and nodded but I could see by the look on his face that he didn't believe me.

He stood up and walked over to me and enclosed me in a bear hug. Not being able to hold it in anymore I cried into my best friend chest. He whispered soothing words to me as I tried to calm myself down.

In between sobs I said. " Why d-doesn't my own mother love me? W-what did I do wrong?"

"Shhhh, u didn't do anything wrong. It's okay Robbin, remember there are people who care about u."

"Thanks but no one cares about me." I said.

Sam unwrapped his arms from around me and grabbed my shoulders staring directly into my eyes.

And then with that he leaned forward and kissed me. At first it felt forced and I was also in shock but then it changed to passion and I melted into his lips.

When he pulled away he said to me. "I care about u, I care about u so much it hurts and u know why I care about u? Because I love u."

For the millionth time today I cried but this time it was tears of joy. Even though I had a mother who didn't care about me instead I had this amazing person in front of me, the second thing out of two things that I love. My cat and my best friend who I have been in love with since the day I met him.

I smile at him and pulled him in for another kiss, having to break apart for air i couldn't help but feel the happiest I've ever been in my life. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him.

"Hey why did u ask me to meet u here?" I asked him. His smile grew wider as he said.

"I wanted to ask if u would do me the honour of becoming my boyfriend. So what do u say?"

I felt as if my heart was going to burst out of my chest and as soon as he finish is question I didn't even have to think about it.

"Yes, I would love to."


Uno not to long ago I saw this quote that said 'Its not to late to live happily ever after' and I think it suits this story so much.

Anyways till next time stay perfect and I hope u liked it.

Bxb one shots!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt