Thank You!!

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Hey all my perfect readers!

Okay so firstly sorry if I just crushed someone's hopes that this was a new, long awaited one shot because it's not :( but I most defiantly, cross my heart, will be posting one tomorrow!!! YAY :D!!! So look out for that.

Anyways I'm writing this little note thingy because I just want to give a massive THANK YOU to every single freaking perfect person who has read, voted and commented on my stories because without you my book would have never made it to 1K!!!!

So once again TTTTHHHHAAAAANNNNNKKKKK YYYYYOOOOOUUUUU!!!!! And don't forget to look out for my new one shot I shall be posting tomorrow but intill then stay yourself AKA perfect. <3

Bxb one shots!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt