I can wait

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Hey guys!

New chapter finally. I really want to dedicate this chapter to two people, ArizonaRooney and nekosan206 cause of the comments they left in my last AN so I just want to thank you and it really meant a lot to me and this chapter is for u!

I hope you all enjoy!
(they are like 7 years old at this part)

"Tag your it!!" I squealed in excitement as I softly hit my unexspecting friend on the back and started to run the opposite direction.

"No fair!!" He screamed back at me then started sprinted as fast as he could towards me.

I ran underneath the slide then climbed up the ladder to see William following close behind me.

I ran across the mini bridge and slide down the fireman pole, heading straight towards an open grass area.

I slowed slightly and I was about to turn around to see where Will was when I was tackled to the ground.

I landed on the ground with a thud and Will lieing on top of my back.

"Got you!!" He said happily.

"Ow! Will get off! You're heavy" I said trying to kick him off.

He finally rolled off still quietly giggling to himself with his hands clutching his stomach. I watched him in awe and couldn't help but start smiling myself by how cute he looked.

Finally calming down he looked at me and smiled.

"What you looking at Tommy?" He asked looking at me curiosity but the smile never leaving his face.

"You" I said plainly.

"Why? Do I have something on my face." His hands rubbing all over his cheeks.

"No silly." I said laughing slighty.

"Oh...what is it then?" Will asked as he stopped touching his face.

"Nothing, you just look cute when u laugh." He looked at me and red started rising to his cheeks.

"Shut up!" He said playfully hitting my shoulder. I started laughing and stood up.

"Come on, mum is probably wondering where we are." I replied and reached down to take Will's hand and help him up.

We started walking back to the picnic table and I couldn't help but stare and his face. How smooth his skin was and how his hazel hair shined so bright in the sunlight.

"I love you Will" I said out of nowhere. He stopped and looked at me then started to laugh causing me to laugh too.

"Hahaha! Nice joke Tommy." He said then kept walking. I stared at him and smiled.

"It's okay, I can wait" I said quietly to myself then ran a bit to catch back up with him.

~~~~~~~~ (10 years later)~~~~~~~~

It's been 10 years since the first time I told him a loved him, on the 21st of June. And every year, on that day I would say the exact same thing.

"I love you Will"

And every year he would always reply with a laugh or a comment like "don't go all weird on my bro" or "god, you're creepy" but I didn't mind, nothing he said would make me love him any less.

Since I first met him in kindergarten I knew I loved him. At first I thought it was just as a best friend sort of way but with every smile and every laugh, I felt myself falling head over heels for him.

Today was June the 21st and William and I were siting underneath a willow tree across the school field. Not many students come out here so it's always quiet in a calming way.

You could easily hear the whistling of the wind and the tweeting of Robins flying by.

Mine and Will's backs were pressed up against the tree as we sat down on the grass.

"Hey Will..." I said quietly while starting up at the sun.

"Hmmm?" He said not taking his eyes away from the Geography book he had out, trying to do some last minute study before his big test next period.

"I love you" I said out loud but not looking over at him and instead watching a tiny Robin fly through the air.

After those words left my mouth, no words were spoken between us. I began to think that he didn't hear me till I felt a warm hand softly grab my chin and turn my head sideways to face him.

He looked me deep into my eyes, the sun reflecting off his eyes, making them look as if streaks of gold were hidden between the brown of his iris.

His eyes then flickered down to my lips for a split second then back up to my green eyes.

"I love you too." He whispered before his lips fell upon mine.

It only took a second for me to comprehend what he said and instantly afterwards I kissed him back with so much passion and longing.

He loved me. After all these years, I finally heard those four words. My dreams where filled with this moment but nothing could compared to the real thing.

His hand moved from my chin to cup my face as I trailed my fingers along his neck, finally nesting them in his hazel locks. I let my fingers grip his hair and pull slightly causing him to moan into our kiss.

After a minute or so of our passionate make out session we pulled away for air and rested our foreheads together, my hands still in his hair while his was still cupping my cheek.

We were silent for a moment before he whispered to me, something that made my heart do a backflip and make me feel like it was going to burst out of my chest.

"Be mine?" I saw his eyes flicker open to look at me.

I smiled happily and pulled him back into another kiss, this one shorter before pulling back slightly and saying.


I'm sorry guys it's taken me forever to update but I hope you liked it, it was way more happier than my other one-shots.

I love you all so much, I really mean it and till next time stay perfectly perfect aka you <3

Bxb one shots!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt