We'll always be together

537 17 4

Hey guys.

This is probably the saddest one shot I have done yet so if u cry easily grab a box of tissues and your favorite chocolate and I hope u somehow enjoy this story.


Tears stream down my face leaving a glimmering trail behind them. I stare and stare at the photo of my soul mate, trying to memorize every detail from his green eyes to the tips of his lashes. His perfect smile to his adorable dimples and every stain of his long, messy hazel hair to his perfect figure.

I hold the photo of him up to my face and kiss it before letting it fall out of my hands and slowly descend to the ground.

I stare at it only last time before squeezing my eyes close and clenching my hands around the handle of the kitchen knife before plunging it straight through my heart.

I start gasping for air, my body becoming weak and numb. My hands become heavy fall away from the handle of the knife, I can feel the blood starting to soak into my shirt then suddenly I hear footsteps behind me.


I here someone shout then I feel strong arms wrap around my body pulling me into a tight embrace. I struggle to look at the figure but then my eyes focus and I see him.

The love of my life above me, his arms around my body, he was my first love and now he will be my only for all eternity.

"No miles, no. You can't do this to me, y-you can't leave me please. Please hang on, don't go. I'll be lost without you, please. I'll call an ambulance but you have to hang on."

I could feel his tears dripping onto my my face. With all the strength I had left, i lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek and whispered.

"I...love..." But then my breath was caught in my throat and blood started pouring out of my mouth.


The after one last beat my heart stopped and I was pulled into blackness.

Jamie's P.O.V

"Miles...MILES!!! No Miles, please no"

I felt as if a part of my soul was ripped right out of my chest. I hugged his limp body rocking back and forth.

"Miles....why? Why did u leave me..."

I clung onto his body, my forehead against his where I sat for hours crying my eyes out. I looked at the love of my life, how perfect and kind he was. My eyes trailed down to where the knife was still in his chest.

I started to sob uncontrollably once again, I moved my shaking hand and slowly pulled it out. His blood slid down the silver steel then drip off the blade.

I took in a deep breath and pulled my phone out of my pocket. My fingers taped the screen and then I held it up to my ear.

"911 what's your emergency" the lady on the other line said.

"Th-there has been a suicide..." I said my voice shaking.

"Okay sir, hold on we have sent an ambulance and they will be there soon."

And with that I hung up, dropped my phone and stared down at my boyfriend. He was my other half, my everything. I lead down and kissed his lifeless lips hoping I would feel them kiss me back...but they didn't.

I pulled away and whispered.

"I love you, Miles"

Before i stabbed my heart just like he did and death took me away.

I don't think it was that sad and hopefully no one actually cried but if u did the next one shot that will be up is going to be part two and it has a happy ending.

So look out for that but until next time stay perfect aka u.

Bxb one shots!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt