Part one

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I woke up to my mother and father screaming downstairs ugh they sounded like two radios.  I looked at the clock and it was already 8:40 am the train leaves at 11:00 I know it was a little bit early but i wanted to  see my friends sooner I took a shower for dressed and went downstairs with my suit case.

I first checked if my parents were in sight they weren't they were in there room doing I don't know what I silently unlocked the door and went out the door as quickly as I could before my parents found out that I left early there was a taxi already waiting for me there I hopped on and it was about a 1 hour drive to the train station.

We got there and I wa trying to find the portal to go through the wall and onto the hogwarts train I found it and went through it,it was 10:40 now so I hurried and got on the train and  went to the slytherin compartments.

And guess who I found my friends the golden trio.

"PANSY." I yelled

"Y/N" she said while running to me to hug me I hugged her very tightly and sat down.

"Hey shit heads how are you doing?" I said to Blaise and Draco.



Was all they said

"What's wrong?" I questioned them.

"Well you hugged pansy but didn't hug us guess you forgot us I'm so offended by that!" Said Draco dramatically.

"Oh I'm sorry come here." I hugged them both and returned to my seat.

The train ride was 10 hours long Blaise was making the most baddest jokes ever Draco was counting how many strands of hair he has and pansy well she was umm she was hanging upside down from the seat and I was reading the book trying to hold in my laughter from one of blaises comments towards pansy.

"Don't. Laugh." I said to myself since there was only 20 minutes left until hogwarts I went to the bathroom with pansy to change into our robes.

And Draco and Blaise changed in the compartments poor compartment it's traumatized now by what it has seen.

Time skip: 

We arrived at hogwarts and dumbledore was making s speech the whole hall was listening except me the only thing that he said that caught my attention was when he said that a new students was transferred here.

"May we all welcome with our warm hearts M-Mattheo riddle." He stuttered he was scared.

Wow dumbledore was scared that's a first.

Then a saw a boy with curly hair and a bunch of scars on his face walked in he looked hot all the girls were literally drooling Over him.

I stopped staring at him and turned back to my friends.

Mattheo's POV:

I walked in to all of the girls looking at me and literally drooling how gross until I saw one girl that caught my eye she was the only one not looking at me she has short curlie-ish hair I kept looking until I stopped when I reached the sorting hat a old lady put it on me and the hat started talking.

"I haven't had a riddle in years I know your a SLYTHERIN!"

I smirked and looked at the girl who was still not looking at me  the whole slytherin table cheered except for her and I'm guessing her friends.

I walked over and sat next to her she noticed but when ignored me I kept staring at her, she was beautiful she had a  bluish-grayish eye and her other eye was hazel how unique and beautiful.

What are you doing Mattheo you can't like her already just based on her looks come on your not the guy from Snow White that married snow just on her looks.

I stopped staring and started writing in my diary that i had.

Y/n's POV:

The curly haired boy sat next to me and I could feel his eyes on me I ignored it and kept on talking to my friends I felt bad for him nobody was talking to him and he look angry and sad at the same time.

Anyways we ate and returned back to the common room and into our dorms I walked in and pansy and I shared a room and my clothes already were organized how lovely of them to do that.

I brushed my teeth showered and put on some comfy clothes and went to the astronomy tower to watch the shooting stars and read.

I walked up and took out my book and started reading it I looked up and saw the shooting stars I always made the same wish every year I wished that my parents would love me and care for me instead of hitting me and being the worst parents in the world.

I heard foot steps coming up the stairs I assumed it was pansy so I continue reading my book i the footsteps got closer and I turned around and saw the curly headed boy.

He sat next to me and he took out a cigarette and started smoking it (of course he's going to smoke the cigarette what is he going to do eat it.

I put my book down and looked at him.

"Hi I'm Y/n,Y/n dalton."

He looked at me with a blank expression.

"I'm Mattheo riddle but you can Call me Theo." He said turning his attention back to the sky.

I smiled and got up and was about to walk out when I heard

"So your the girl my father keeps talking about."

"What do you mean your father has been talking about me he doesn't even know of my existence!" I said turning back.

"Well he's coming After you and your parents." He said with a blank expression.

I turned around and returned back to my dorm I fell asleep still thinking about what he said.

The next day I woke up and got ready me and the group had breakfast and since we had different classes we said bye and I was walking to Mrs.umbitche's class when I bumped into someone my books fell and all I heard was.

"Watch it bitch!" I looked up and saw Mattheo riddle with some other boys.

"You should really watch your mouth riddle."

"Or what?" He said pinning me to the wall.

"I looked at him and my blood was boiling like crazy I forgot to take my meds.


"That's what I thought you bitch." He said while walking away.

Of course he thinks jus because he's Voldemort's son he thinks that he can be a bully to everyone.

Y'all I'm sorry this chapter was cringy as heck! I hope you liked part one.


The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora