Part 25

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Time 3:00 am:

"Y/n,Y/n,Y/n! Y/N!" Yelled pansy I jumped up from my sleep.

"God what do you want it's *I checked the clock* 3:00 am." I said and laid back down.

"Did you forget about our flight?" She said and I jumped up again.

"Shit." I said.

"We have to get to the plane in about 2
Hours so go shower and brush your teeth and do you hair and put on clothes." She said before leaving the room I looked to my side and Mattheo wasn't there he was probably downstairs.

I got up and went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took of my clothes and jumped in the shower I washed my hair and my body of course once I was done I wrapped a towel story my body and went to my closet and picked out my outfit.

My outfit:

I did my hair and put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and AirPods and walked downstairs to drink some blood I grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and started drinking it I went to the dining room and saw Blaise,Mattheo,Tom,pansy and Draco there a...

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I did my hair and put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and AirPods and walked downstairs to drink some blood I grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and started drinking it I went to the dining room and saw Blaise,Mattheo,Tom,pansy and Draco there and hope as well.

"Morning to all." I said and sat down next to Mattheo.

"Morning love." He said and kissed me.

I looked over and saw Hope smiling at her phone.

"What are you smiling at?" I said.

"Nothing." She said and blushed a little.

I vamp sped towards her and looked at her phone she was text flirting with Cedric how cute.

"You two flirting now huh." I said.

"No we're not we're just talking we are just friends nothing more." Said hope and smiled slightly.

"You know that your not a fully activated tribrid yet meaning that I can compel the truth out of you." I said and raised my eyebrows at her.

"Fine we are just don't tell dad he will literally hunt him down." She said and put her pinky finger out.

"Fine I pinky swear." I said and wrapped my pinky around hers.

"Hey Tom." I said and vamp sped next to him.

"What do you do every night before you go to bed." I said I was compelling him.

"I make fake scenarios in my head about me and this girl I can't stop thinking about." He said and immediately slapped his hand over his mouth.

The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora