"COME HERE MOTHER BLOODY FUCKERS." Yelled pansy as she ran after them.
"You sick BITCH STAY AWAY!!" Yelled Blaise as Draco was screaming from the top of his lungs.
Me and Tom laughed so hard we both hit our heads.
Mattheo's POV: "Boss may I come in?" Asked a death eater.
"Yeah." I said while drinking the last bit of my fire whiskey.
"Boss we just got word that the amory's are here." He said.
"Should we let them in?" He asked as he took a step closer.
"Let them wait in the living room for a few while I go and change but keep my guest occupied." I said as I stood up putting my hand over my wound.
"I will let them know." He said before he closed the door.
The amory's are the 5th most powerful family in the world they're from a pure bloodline they have done business with my father for about 14 years now until my father thought it was a good idea to get into some very serious depth with them I don't know what exactly what kind of depth my father has with them but it looks like it was passed down to me.
As I got up and went to the door I opened the door to see my mother waiting for me outside and she did not look happy.
"I don't need nagging right now mother." I said as I walked upstairs.
"Why are the emory's here?" She asked sternly.
"I don't know mom they just came unannounced." I said as I walked up the last few flights of stairs.
"What is with you today you were really happy and then 15 seconds later your mad what is going on?" She asked as she turned me around.
"Just stressed mother that's all you don't need to worry now let me go get changed I have some important guests waiting for me." I said as I kissed her cheek and turned around and opened my bedroom door.
This is the outfit I decided to go with;
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Why I don't know it made me look powerful and serious even though I already am as I walked out my room to go down I saw a text message from Y/n.
Text messages:
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