I woke up on pansy's lap while the rest of my body was laid across the couch.
"Finally sleepyhead your awake!" Said Blaise.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It's only 4 am." Said pansy.
I jumped up.
"What do you mean 4 am how long have I been out for?" I said.
"6 hours." Said Draco.
"You look very peaceful when your sleeping Y/n so we didn't wake you up." Said pansy.
"Well I'm going to my dorm to shower and do everything I need to do oh and pansy will you call James over I haven't seen him since Monday." I said.
"Sure I'll call him." She said I nodded and walked out and went to my dorm.
I unlocked the door and went inside and found Mattheo watching tv on the couch with a glass of wine in his hand.
I closed the door which made a weird sound Mattheo turned and looked at me we locked eyes until I looked away and went upstairs and into the bedroom and locked the door.
And started balling my eyes out I couldn't stop crying for some reason I put both my hand on my face and started crying even more.
"God why am I crying so much." I said and wiped my tears while more tears came in.
"Is it you that's doing this?" I said and looked down at my stomach.
"Yeah you're doing this." I said and wiped all my tears away and I started undressing I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body.
I wrapped at towel around my body and then brushed my teeth I wasn't tired so I just put on a comfy outfit and put some products in my hair to keep it nice.
My outfit:
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I put on my shoes and walked out the door with my wet hair I went downstairs and Mattheo was still there unfortunately I didn't look at him I just refilled my water bottle and grabbed my keys and wand and phone and was about to walk out the door a hand grabbed my arm I turned around and saw a worried looking Mattheo.
"What do you want." I said not wanting to argue.
"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay i heard you crying upstairs I just wanted to check on you." He said.
"Thanks but I'm fine." I said and he let go of my arm I opened the door and walked out god you don't know how much I wanted to forgive him but I can't do it I just can't I will do it when I'm ready.
I walked to the common room where my friends were and James was there as well.