The next day I woke up and got ready and avoided Mattheo I didn't speak or look at him I grabbed my keys and walked out the door.
I met up with my friends and we walked together to the great hall we walked in we sat down and started eating and talking about our plans today,today we didn't have classes because of a very important teacher meeting.
The great hall doors opened and Mattheo walked in and immediately looked at me before looking away and sitting down with the other death eaters.
"You guys haven't talked?" Said Blaise.
"No we haven't since yesterday we are avoiding each other until the wedding." I said and drank some water before realizing I had to talk to Cedric.
"I almost forgot guys I'll be right back." I said
I walked to the hufflepuff table and found Cedric and sat next to him.
"Hey ced." I said.
"Hey Y/n." He said.
"Cedric I have to tell you something and I promise it's not a bad thing it's a good thing." I said.
"Ookay let's talk outside." He said and took my hand and we walked out and began walking and talking,
"So Ced I have a cousin and her name is hope and tomorrow she has a school dance that she wants to go to but the problem is that she doesn't have a date so I told her that maybe you could go with her?" I said.
"Wait hold up I don't even know her and you want me to go to a dance with her." He said.
"I know you don't know her but she really needs a date she doesn't like being alone in school dances." I said.
"Fine I'll go but I'm only doing this for you." He said.
"Thank you so much ced!" I said and hugged him.
"What does hope look like?" He asked.
And I took out my phone and showed him a picture of hope.
"This is her." I said.
The photo:
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Cedrics eyes widened.
"She's gorgeous." He said speechless.
"I know gorgeous just like her mom," I said.
"I know this sounds weird but can you show me another photo of her?" He said.
"Uhh- sure." I said and showed him another photo.
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