It's been more than a couple of weeks it's been exactly 2 months since I've faked my death and tomorrow I'm finally going back to Hogwarts to get my revenge.
I've been training with my Aunt she is not the world nicest teacher but it's fine.
"Y/n are you sure that tomorrow your going back it's to soon." Said pansy over the phone.
"Pansy it's been 2 months I've been preparing for this moment since forever and I'm ready to do this my aunt has taught me self control and everything I need to know about being a hybrid." I said clearly annoyed.
"Okay we'll I have to go Someone is knocking on my door I'll call you later." She said and hung up.
Liar she never calls me back I always have to call her back.
"Y/n it's 10:30 pm I think it's time for you to head upstairs and get to bed you have to wake up at 2:00 am to go back." Said Hayley.
"Yeah I know hey Aunt Hayley can you come with me by any chance." I said hoping for a yes!
"I think I can I have nothing planned." She said.
And I smiled and went upstairs and got ready for bed and then I fell asleep.
2:00 AM:
My alarm went off.
"Ughhhhhhh." I groaned and through it across the room.
And rubbed my eyes so I could see better and went to my aunts room to my surprise she wasn't there and then I smelled cooking downstairs and I knew it was her.
So I went back to my room and got in my bathroom and showered and brushed my teeth.
And put on this outfit:
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Why because I liked it.
I went down stairs and ate breakfast with my aunt and we talked and then I grabbed my Bag and started the car and I was driving for the first time in ages. (We are going to die).
It was a 5 hour drive thank god I Have my cup of blood because If I didn't I wouldn't stay awake.
Time skip:
It was now 7:00 perfect timing the students were going to the great hall to eat so it was perfect.
We arrived at the school and I parked the car.
"Ahh memories." I said and grabbed my bags.
"You ready to go in?" Said Hayley.
"I'm ready." I said and walked in.
Me and Hayley vamp speeded to pansy's room and thankfully she was still there and the others too.
"Y/N!." Whispered pansy and hugged me I hugged her back.